The Word of God about the rapture (the abduction) of the Church (4)

billy dean
20 min readMay 3, 2020


The Word of God about the rapture (the abduction) of the Church (4)


(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on; on jumphare; on archive; on; on scribd; on mega; on mediafire; on dropbox, r.n.)

Oh, I let great comfort come down into My gardens and I exhort you towards them, man! Come and hear My voice, which walks through the garden to comfort you, the one who comes to the spring. Come! And you should know how to come. Look at the sons of My word and learn how to come, and you should love to come this way, and hardly to be able to stay under waiting after I call to gather you together and then to give you, for I want you to have, man. What you may truly have is only what I give you. I can give you life, man. I can give you life without death. I have proved that I can. If you do not believe, put Me to test and I will show you that I can. If Elijah, My prophet, did not want to die, he did not die. If Enoch did not want to die, he did not die. If I did not want John to die, he did not die. Oh, only if you knew how many did not die! And do not forget about the Scriptures, which writes that a people will be in its body when I will come visibly and when I will lift it up in the clouds of My coming, and I will stay in the air with it and then I will clean the earth for Me, for I made the earth to be My footstool for Me and for the man. The heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool, only for the man to understand and see this truth. (See the selection topic: „The heaven — the throne, the earth — the footstool: the man deified”, r.n.)

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the second day, from 26–08–2001. (On Calameo)


Sins your song, My loved Jerusalem. Learn your song and its purpose and sing to the One Who gave you life on earth, and sing, and you will sing forever your song from everlastingness, the song of the bride. This is what I said: «When the branch of the fig tree becomes tender and puts forth its leave, know and rejoice that your salvation has come». Amen.

Oh, tell Me, you Jerusalem, tell Me your mystery, the mystery for which you have come. Tell Me, My people; learn it well and tell Me to see your faith and stature and your working spirit and your walking on earth. Oh, My people, you should go on the earth more and more beautifully, more and more over it, so that we may meet in the time of your walking, to meet each other and embrace ourselves within glory, for it is written: «They will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and so they will be with Him forever». Amen.

In the beginning the Spirit of the Lord was hovering over the waters, and in the end, He is hovering over you, speaking over you and testifying about you, My people. Tell Me, New Jerusalem, tell Me son, your mystery. I will hear you and I will take your word into everlastingness. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Saint John, the Baptizer, from 20–01–2002. N.S. (07–01–2002 Old Style / after the Julian calendar[1]) (On Calameo)


My work of the word on earth is the salvation of the creature fallen from life; it is the man’s coming out of the dwelling of the dead, and then My visible coming in the man’s eyes, for him to receive his entire nature from Me, and the whole creation to receive its life before death, which was installed on earth when the man died, for the man, made by My word and by My working hand, died; the man made by God died.

Those who do not have hope in God are sad for their life that passes, because they either forget it or do not make much of Me, the One Who was well pleased to be born as a man on earth, to die as a man and then to be raised to life for each man who is born of man and then dies, and to bring everyone back to life, as it is written into the Scriptures about My calling, about My descent from heaven into My trumpet to raise the dead at My calling, and then they, together with those who are alive in their bodies, will be taken up into the clouds as I was also taken up at My ascension into heaven from the eyes of My disciples, and we will meet each other in the sky, and afterwards we will be together forever for this is written. However, I want to teach the man to believe this. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Saturday of the memorial of those who are asleep, from 14–02–2004.


Love one another as I have loved you, and do not be otherwise, for the man loves the man on earth into My name and does brotherly works into My name, and the man forgets to love Me on earth as in heaven. However, you should not give the love from among you on the one, which has to be between Me and you, because if you love only those that love you, what reward will you receive? Love God, sons, and then all of your love will be His love, which does only good around you without haughtiness, for he who does not love from Me, loves from him, and his love remains on earth. Love in Me, for in you it is not as in Me. Remain in Me, for you do not remain in you as in Me, and after you have done so, you will tell Me if those that I speak to you about are right. The love for your brothers shall not precede the love for God, for the first one is attacked by the opposing spirit, which is human and is not godly. Love God, and He will clothe you within Him and you will be the sons of the Most High on earth and you will be the heaven on earth, for I want to bring the heaven into view on earth, sons, and then to hide it for a few moments, and I will cover you as I covered Abimelech and no one saw him under the sycamore tree, which sheltered him until I raised him as a testimony of the resurrection and of the life within God. I will cover you too for a couple of moments as the cloud also covered Me from the eyes of My disciples in the time when I went to be near the Father in secret, and I will do this to make you be like Me and like My Father, Who is in secret, and then we will remove the veil and I will appear with all the saints from the beginning and up to you, and with all the sinners, on the right and on the left, and I will have the saints on My right and the sinners on My left. (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.) And now, by My word upon you, I pray in you for the sinners, to be forgiven by your intercession and to make them free, starting with Adam and then with all people up to this time. Amen, amen, amen.

I will forgive the sinners giving them according to their works first, and then I will hide you, but My Spirit, Which is praying in you, first will ask the Father for the forgiveness of the sinners from Adam and until now, because Adam is crying sons. The man built by My hand is crying for all those who have been sinning without forgiveness on earth. The first man, who had lived on earth almost one thousand years, has been crying in the dwelling of the dead, and since then he has been crying for all those who sin like him, to be forgiven of their sins. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the memorial of Adam’s expulsion from Paradise, from 22–02–2004. (On Calameo)


When I was with a sweet feast laid down in the garden of the meeting for the birthday celebration of My mother, the Virgin, I said that it comes quickly, it comes quickly the moment for every man on earth to remain in what he will have been found, and I want to remind you, My people, to let yourself be tested by the fruit of the Spirit so that you may be established well in them, and I want to remind you of the flame of the furnace in which the three young men, clean in their heart by their repentance for their entire nations, were saved from the fire, for I sent My angels, who appeared in glory, and thus shining with My image and likeness, and he blew coolness into the flame to protect from fire those who were punished by the unfaithful king of their time. This is how I want to protect those who let themselves into My hand, those who let Me to live in them with the fruit of the Spirit and to gather them together for their salvation, and to raise them for protection when the earth will receive the baptism with fire on it in order to cleanse it from the man’s sin, as I cleansed the temple from merchants, when I grabbed the whip and took them out from the place consecrated to God, so that the place, known to be God’s among all those on earth, may not be mocked by the devils. And I told them, for their strong protection, that which is from Me, and I told My disciples: «Take heed and beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees, which is hypocrisy», (Matt. 16:6), for it is their work, their yeast. And I told them this to get them used, day by day, to a large place in them for the fruit of the Spirit and to protect those who were Mine, My witnesses and prophets of the Holy Spirit.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Protection[2] of the Lord’s Mother, from 14–10–2004. (On Calameo)


Through you I will protect My sheep, children sons. I will shepherd them. I will strengthen the weak sheep, I will lift up the sick one and the fat one I will make it breed lambs and ewes for My kingdom, for the increasing of the flock, which will receive salvation from My hand, for the dreadful day of the Lord is coming, and before its terror, I will gather My sheep together into the fold, for they will know My voice and will come to the pasture and will find it. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint hierarch Nicholas, from 19–12–2004. (On Calameo)


I announce Myself at the gates and without announcing Myself I do not work, for I have learned from the Father to work and to listen to Him. Amen.

I come down as word on the earth. It is My coming down after two thousand years from My ascension near the Father, after I became Man born of the Virgin to grow and to be crucified by the man, and then by resurrection, to ascend to the Father again.

… I glorify Myself by the word over every man on earth, for when I come, I come for everybody, as I also wanted to do two thousand years ago. Then I said that the time was coming for the true worshipers to worship the Father in spirit and truth, as the Father does not want the man to worship God otherwise, or in a special place, that is here and there. And this word, which I spoke this way, judged them and judges the people of that time and up to this day, because the people did not fulfill it and do not fulfill it, but they only boast about being God’s true worshipers.

Oh, children through whom I speak out the word of sufferance, which the hypocrite man does to Me within his heart and work! How long do the people of falsehood really think that they will be able to make buildings and temples, dwellings place where to worship God, as they say? How long, really? How long? The earth is ready to be turned upside down because of the man of falsehood who fills My Spirit with wrath. How long the man is to remain blind? Where will hide all those who boast that are My teachers over the people then when I will break loose with great glory of angels and saints and of heavenly powers from this work of heavenly word, before which even the invisible heaven stands with fear and awe and listen, the heaven which came up from the earth, grouping in hosts all those who are pleased to God from among the people, and who have heard from My mouth: «Come, blessed of My Father! Come and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you by those that are worked on earth for Me and for those who are My little ones?» (See also Matt: 25/34) Where will hide all those who hide now and make hidings from buildings made by man’s hand and where they call themselves gods over people?

Every day I will call out more and more powerfully, more mournfully, and I will set you, My people, to sound the trumpet of My mourning over those who make it for Me and we will call out from heaven and from earth, We and you, until all the buildings made without God on earth, without My commandment over the man, will be torn down, some of them by the others, and still some other upon the other ones, for the man’s haughtiness has filled Me with the poison, which now will come back and will bite the man, and all those haughty people on earth will look out for death and will not find it. And they will look for you, My people, but you will be in My hand and they will not find you, and then I will tell them that I stayed with you before them and I sounded the trumpet of My word over them and they did not pay any attention to Me so that they could become true worshipers, in spirit and truth so that I may be their God, for I am the Lord of the saints and of those who deny themselves to follow Me and to be like Me, as I work in the Father and like the Father. Amen.

Oh, you, blind guides, listen to My word! It comes out of My mouth and it becomes a book upon you. How shall I tell you that I suffered naked and hungry and thirsty, in hardships and weakness and as a stranger on earth, and that you came and visited Me? How could I tell you this when you did not give anything, but you have only taken? When you have not kept and grazed the flock, which was wandering away from God, but you have only sucked it, fattening your bodies and giving each other over to outrageous sins and by which you call upon the earth and upon you fire and brimstone from heaven? For you have become Sodom, and God’s angels are now known by you, but they will make you blind soon, soon, and they will take out from you those who cry for My righteousness over the earth. I have sent My word towards you, My announcement, My calling, which calls you to worship in spirit and truth, not only in garment and that is all, not in houses called to be prayer houses and that is all, for the true worshipers do not need praised places, but they rather need a humble and repentant spirit for the forgiveness of their sins, for John, My Baptizer, came out from the wilderness, not from luxurious places, and he stood on the riverbed of flowing water calling and crying for the people to come to the repentance of their sins and to their cleanings by the baptism with water. Oh, I have also been calling out for many years to you and to every man to come to My mountain of word and to hear My voice, by which the earth and the heaven startles, the dead from their graves and the saints in the glory, and as for you, by hearing, you pretend that you do not hear and that you do not know. However, I will not speak the same way, but I will speak that you have sinned and that you have heard and that you have known, and that you have had eyes and have not seen with them the glory of My humility by which I have dwelt in those you have not taken into consideration, you those who call and think that you are the rulers of the world more than any other masters of it. However, I tell you this: you will not escape the wrath, which you have earned by your departure from God, because, if I, being God and sinless Man, I have not escaped from the wrath of unfaithful man, how much more you will not be forgotten by the wrath you will have earned through your works without God on earth and by which you will have sucked the power, the soul, the faith and the fear of God from all the poor people, who did not know the way to God, the way, which you covered, for their way to you. Behold, a fearful word, for I, the Lord God, the Lord of the powers, and the Lamb of the Father, am also just as fearful as the word is, fearful because of your outrageous sins and by which you filled over the brims the cup of My wrath.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the fearful judgment remembrance, from 06–03–2005. (On Calameo)


Oh, even if it is hard and too hard to believe that I, the Lord, separated the ages with you, the earthly one from the spiritual one, and that I gave you My kingdom into your dominion as some of My sanctified ones and saints through Me, the holy One, I believe in those that I prophesied by the word of My work of fifty years ago, and I ask you this: be holy, sons, just as your Lord is holy, for God, carries by your little hand through the Holy Spirit in order that He may protect you afterwards from those which will soon come over the earth, and that He may remain with you by His victory, whose kingdom He gives to His saints, as it is written into the Scriptures. Amen.

… Oh, wipe out My tear which cries, you merciful child, child gentle and merciful in your little heart! Put away your weaknesses, which does not come from Me in you, for I said that the world is My enemy and yours, and that the world has come to an end for those who are My loved and My sealed ones, and I have also said that I had worked for fifty years to set My people aside for Me that will remain to Me, to separate it from the world and to have it, and to be able to keep it from those that are to come over the world.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the forty holy martyrs of Sevasta (Sebaste), from 22–03–2005. (On Calameo)


I have sat at a spiritual table with you, My people, and with a people that has freshly come at the spring and I, and My mother Virgin with you, have given to it from the table, but you have to get used more and more fervently to work My creation in man over those who come to the spring, as you have also received when you came to be with My coming of today, to be its soldier. I want to have mercy on many with the gift of the holy faith so that they may get away from the deceptive trap of the bondage under the sign of the ruler of this passing age and to make them the birds of heaven, for the time is coming for the little birds to ascend into heaven, son, to start on the earth to the whitening and cleansing of the new creation upon it, as the Scriptures prophesy, for the man without God tries to prolong his age and he wants to delay My work of the creation of new heaven and new earth and of the New Jerusalem. However, I have from the Father work over the earth and I put on many the spirit of the knowledge of God, the spirit of My word which is upon you, and I want to work a gift of holy faith in many, for the light on the earth is growing less and less and only the faith of the man who comes to believe into My faith, only that one will remain as light on the earth, and it will shine over the margins and the man will receive in him the saving faith, the faith which was in Noah and in those in his house, when I, the Lord, washed the earth away from the sin put on it by the men’s carelessness of God in the time of Noah. What saved Noah of My wrath by which I washed away the earth, as I could not do it otherwise? Oh, the faith in the salvation that comes from Me, that and only that saved Noah. He could doubt like all other people on the earth, but Noah did not do this, and it is written in the Scriptures about him as a sign of the faith, which saves the man from judgment, for great is the man who believes in Me when I come to him and when he comes to Me within his heart, asking for his salvation from Me, his forgiveness of sin, his sonship to Me by the power of his faith in his salvation from Me, Who am so affectionate after man and for man.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Mother’s Birth, from 21–09–2009. (On Calameo)


I will ascent with you above all the human heights and I will exalt Myself from you over the nations and above the earth, oh, My today’s country, the country of My second coming on the earth. And as for you, Romanian people, you should believe that man has to work only holiness then, and not the flesh, for man eats only flesh; even when he fasts from food with flesh, even then he eats food, for he eats with the lust of the flesh; he eats the fleshly lust in his flesh and from the flesh of other man, and man eats with his body, with his soul and with his spirit; he eats only flesh and only spirit of flesh, and there is no one to stop him from this disobedience; however, I am coming and teaching man, as there is no one else to come after Me and teach him, for the prince of this world rules over all the nations on the earth; he stands against Me and rules over man and brings him into submission, but I, the Lord, will show him soon, soon, his judgment again, when he will see with big eyes and great terror the work which he has worked in secret through all his subjects in order to separate man from God, after he had crucified God to have his only throne on earth over man, he and only he alone, and in such a way that man may no longer know that the Lord is the true God.

I will exalt Myself with great glory by the work of My word into the midst of the Romanian people and I will speak up from this mountain of word and I will tell to the ruler of this world: Everything has come to an end, everything that has belonged to you, so that only I, the Lord, may be, only I and those like Me. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension, 13–06–2013. (On Calameo)


Oh, sons, sons, the time is coming to cover you as I covered the disciple of old from everyone’s eyes and time so that he might not see the fall of Jerusalem, as he was very gentle. Oh, sons, I want to protect what is Mine, and that is why the pain catches Me for those that were and are no longer with Me, for I do not go into the midst of the world. The world and its spirit are in the world, and there are also all those who live being nourished with the spirit of the world and through the mouth, the eyes, the ears and all its senses, and I cannot be there, for the Lord is holy. Oh, I can hardly penetrate in for the protection and the shield of those that are with Me passing through the world fomented by My work with them, and I put after them a chain of angels and saints and they protect My going with them, and theirs with Me, for they go with My mission, with My accord, and they go for the troubles with which I take care of My difficult way with My word over the earth for this time, when satan and antichrist reveal their darkness over everything, (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.) and especially over the minds of the people, and behold how much darkness is over the earth, sons!

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint apostle Andrew, from 13–12–2015.


Oh, sons, I would like that you do not have any part of those that are coming over the world, (See the selection topic: „The great tribulation”, r.n.) because if you are afraid of some beneficial and watching correction upon you, oh, then how were you able to endure those that are written in the Scriptures to come, to clean and to renew the world? I would like to protect you as I protected the disciple in the Scriptures for whom his teacher prayed to Me so that I might not leave him see the fall of Jerusalem, as he was very gentle, and I, the Lord, did to him according to the prayer of the one who prayed for him and I covered and protected him with a refreshing sleep until the years of the wrath passed. Oh, in the same way I have asked My Father for you, those who are steadfast and obedient, to do for you when you are like that.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21–09–2017.

[1] Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)

The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the times», when the primate metropolitan — of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, ( which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions”. «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.

[2] The feast day celebrates the appearance of the Mother of God at Blachernae (Vlaherna) in the tenth century. At the end of St. Andrei (Andrew of Constantinople) Yurodivyi’s life, he, with his disciple St. Epiphanius, and a group of people, saw the Mother of God, St. John the Baptist, and several other saints and angels during a vigil in the Church of Blachernae, nearby the city gates. The Blachernae Palace church was where several of her relics were kept. The relics were her robe, veil, and part of her belt that had been transferred from Palestine during the fifth century.

The Theotokos approached the center of the church, knelt down and remained in prayer for a long time. Her face was drowned in tears. Then she took her veil (cerement) off and spread it over the people as a sign of protection. During the time, the people in the city were threatened by a barbarian invasion. After the appearance of the Mother of God, the danger was averted and the city was spared from bloodshed and suffering, r.n.



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