The Word of God about the kingdom of one thousand years (1)

billy dean
19 min readMay 19, 2019


The Word of God about the kingdom of one thousand years (1)

«Beloved, do not forget that with the Lord, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day!» (2 Peter: 3/8.)


«Then I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, holding the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand.

He seized the dragon, the old serpent, which is the devil and satan, the one who deceives the whole inhabited earth.[1] The angel[2] bound the dragon[3] for a thousand years and cast him into the abyss. It was shut and sealed over him, so that he should deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years were finished. After this, he is to be released for a short time.

I saw thrones on which those who had received authority to pass judgment were seated. I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and who had not worshiped the beast or his image and who has not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

Blessed and holy is the one who has part in the first resurrection! Over these, the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for one thousand years.

After the millennium[4], satan will be released from his prison…» (Apoc. 20/1–7.)

The Kingdom of One Thousand Years

Text selections from the Word of God[5] on this topic[6]

Behold, we go forward and are careful within the spirit, as the spirit keeps the Christian awake before the meanings of God’s mysteries. Let us also not be weak in our bodies, as the heaviness of the body comes from the carelessness of the spirit, My dear. I have spoken so much to My people of today, which has had God’s mysteries on the table, and My people has not grown old in wisdom according to how much book it ate from Me. And some of My people have not used anything from God’s so much speaking, and like the young man, whose spirit became heavy at Paul’s speaking, and who fell asleep and fell down from above and died, so is the body of this people, as it had not got a careful spirit in it; it fell asleep in the house of the high mysteries and fell down because of the deep sleep of the spirit, and it remained with his body fallen; and I have always woken it up and raised it to life, so how Paul brought to life the young man who fell from above because of the heaviness and of the deep sleep that he was staying in.

Oh, My dear, how hard it was for God to enter with His work upon the man, with the work of redemption from the reward of the sin of disobedience and of Lucifer’s slavery! Because the people have done only evil on earth and the Lord destroyed every man on the earth bringing flood over the earth, and only a man and his house remained; a man that God saw that he liked the ways of the righteousness. And then God worked upon Abraham and delivered through him the promise of the man’s salvation. Then My Father came and used a body and got into the way of Abraham, and God redeemed the man by the promise made upon Abraham and upon Abraham’s offspring, Who was to come at the right time to fulfill the mystery of redemption. Behold, My Father blessed Abraham; Melchizedek blessed Abraham, for Melchizedek was God’s priest and he was greater than Abraham. No one could be greater than Abraham on the earth, as My Father gave him the promise, and behold, He, Who is greater than Abraham, blessed him. My Father used a body and blessed the young One; He blessed His Son in Abraham. And who made Melchizedek priest? As his father, according to the flesh, was an idol worshipper and he sacrificed children of the Salem city worshipping idols, and Melchizedek was greatly hurt because of this iniquity, and he lifted his hands up to My Father and requested that the entire land of Salem may perish and nothing may be left out of it, and thus it may not be done so much lying and wondering astray. And it was destroyed at that instant; the city perished in an instant and it was no longer known that it was, and he remained alone and went to God dwelling in the mountains, and My Father called him His priest because Melchizedek brought the sacrifice of his love for the Lord, and no one brought a greater sacrifice then him. He brought the entire city as a sacrifice to the Lord; all his genealogy and all his kinsmen he brought as a sacrifice only by the word, My loved ones, and thus he remained without genealogy, without the beginning and without the end. His beginning was no longer known; the beginning of his kinsmen was no longer known anywhere, and it was no longer known a trace of the end of his kinsmen, as the location of Salem was so well situated, as passing over, no one would suspect that it took place a change there. Who else could know of the beginning of his days? No one, as no one knew his end. He was the priest of God because he brought everything that he had as a sacrifice to God; all his inheritance, and had nothing left for himself but only his body and his God.

Oh, this mystery is great, but you cannot bear it now, children of My people, as My Father used a body and blessed Abraham and his successor, and this is the work of My Father, which you stay in too; and behold, you work according to the order of Melchizedek and you work by the word, as Melchizedek brought a sacrifice to God by the word and was called priest forever, the priest of God, by whom My Father did His work of sealing of the promise made to Abraham.

Who shall I speak with about the work of My Father? I will speak with the old of this people, as I cannot speak about the great mysteries with the young. But where are the old people? But are there any old people into My people? Behold, the young are the old of My people, and I speak to them and let My people grow old as the time is coming to an end and the time grew old waiting for God’s wisdom to increase upon the people.

Oh, My people, I had drawn you close to Me so that I may establish you to judge all the tribes of the earth as I declared to Abraham when I told him: «In you will all the families of the earth be blessed». Abraham was the man that My heavenly Father pronounced His promise over, and into whose way He came with bread and wine and with the heavenly oil of the promise word. Abraham was a secret blessing and the Holy Trinity worked Itself then, and fulfilled Its promise up to the end of Its work, as it was told this: «To you and to your offspring». And behold, He Who had borne the fruit of the tree of life was promised to Abraham, children, and that is why Abraham had the promise, and that is why it is told so, but this work is not understood by the sons of My people, and by the old of My people. I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, was in the bosom of Abraham; I was promised by My Father and that it was put over Abraham the Scriptures, which says: «In you all the families of the earth will be blessed», that is in the loins of Abraham, by the word of the promise.

Here is why the man, who was before My incarnation among the people, was saved: as My Father prepared the place of waiting of His incarnated Son in the bosom of Abraham, as I am the fruit tree of life, children, and I was waited for to bear fruit and to be the iconostasis entrance into heaven, and that is why the Scripture says that no one can enter but through Me; and it says that I am the door, and the first step into heaven was made on it. I was raised from the dead and then each one, in the order of his division, as the promise was declared. And who was the first who got into heaven? Behold, the thief entered into heaven, and although he had the key on him, the door was not opened for him until I arose first. He arrived with the cross and told the angel in front of the heaven, but that one did not open for him until I arrived, as I went first into the hell[7] and then I came to life; and I became the entrance door to the tree of life, which is in heaven, which is the Holy of Holies of Godly Trinity, and then the kingdom of God started over the living and over the dead.

But the ignorant world did not understand anything, as then God prevailed over the death and the death was swallowed by victory, as each soul has been raised since then in the order of its division, and comes to life, if it left towards Me and accompanied by Me, as it is written: «Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection, as over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and will reign with Him one thousand years» And those who did not left in Christ, they do not come to life, and wait for the other thousand years, and behold, satan has come to an end with his work of destruction and deceit upon the nations of the earth, and all the dead in Christ will rise for the redemption of their bodies, as they reign with Christ, and Christ’s kingdom is set to judge. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.)

Oh, My people, not even now can you bear this mystery of the resurrection of the dead, not even now; and you should have understood it by now. But I put a well-set lid on this mystery, and behold, the wise perceive this mystery, which is pronounced then when you say this: „I wait for the resurrection of the dead and for the life of the age to come”. Oh, if you had waited for it, you would have known what you had been waited for, and if you had known it, you would have waited for it. But you did not wait and behold, you do not know, and your eyes are prevented from seeing and you do not see, as you do not read the book and you do not know if you do not read. And to read it and to understand it, you have to be lowered from heaven, Christian; you have to ascend into heaven (With the love and with the mind, r.n.) and then to descend and read. I came to give you My hand and to show you the heavenly things, and you did not give Me your hand to come with Me to see, to understand and to believe. I came with the heaven to you, My people, but you did not believe, as your eyes were prevented from seeing; they are kept by unbelief and you do not know Me in the breaking of the bread, as those from Emmaus knew Me after My resurrection. But even now I am also after the resurrection, and I am with you on the way, speaking to you from the Scriptures, but your eyes do not let themselves go to see Me, and I come to ask you to buy oil from Me and to anoint your eyes and see, to take the gold and My garment on you, as look, I stand by your door and knock. Open to Me, open, to see! And if you do not see, it means that you do not open for Me, but because I love you, I reprimand you with justice to come and repent, My people from the end, as you are foreign, people from the end, and you do no longer look to your beginning.

I want to join you with your beginning, son, so that you may not remain for the end. I want to bring you again at the beginning, as behold, the tree of life, which is in heaven, in the heaven from Eden, was the only one among the trees of the heaven that had no fruit in it; it was near the tree of the knowledge of the good and evil, but the tree of life had no fruit in it, for if it had had, the man would have taken from it too; and the man did not listen not to take and not to die, and that is why the man was expelled lest he stretched his hand and took from it, in the time of its fruit, and broke the fruit without being fulfilled; lest he took and lived forever in heaven without obeying. And the man was put again on the earth, and he was prone to it and came back into the earth. But I was the tree of life, and I was having fruit two thousand years ago, and I was the entrance door to the tree of life. I was the tree of life, and I also was the door to the tree of live, and I arose and bound the devil for a thousand years and I reigned into My kingdom. But you do not understand how this came, as the man who worshipped Lucifer, forced the sons of My kingdom; he forced the one who believed in Christ to bow down to the beast that was made by the man’s hand; and if he did not bow down, he was martyred for Christ’s testimony, as I had been reigning in those that believed in Me and I had been overcoming by the blood that was shed into My name and for My testimony; and I had been raising the crowds to belief and I had been reigning and sanctifying the earth, and the devil was bound. Let him, who hears well, understand, as the devil did not overcome My Christian, the sons of My kingdom that I was reigning over.

And here how strange you are from the beginning, Christian people from the end. As after everybody of that time, when the devil was bound, overcame, I raised everyone to reign with Me a thousand years and they are those that help you today, people from the end. This is My church from the beginning, the first one, but behold, the one from the end, helped by a great many of martyrs, who got up and reigned with power, let itself to be enticed by the devil, by the one who was released for a little while, and the seed of error entered in believers, as the devil’s hidden face remained in the people’s minds; and the sheep separated from the goats, and the sheep remained only few and became goats and chose to the right and to the left. But the wondering wolf had always sought the sheep, as they were few, and put the sheep and the shepherds in fear, and the sheep did not fight and did not wake up the shepherds, and started to hide in the hills and in the mountains, until they did no longer know the way to the cowshed. And behold, the church from the end estrange itself from the beginning, as the sheep did not graze a known pasture and learned to go astray without a shepherd and the sheep from the end did not longer know Me; they did no longer know the shepherd’s voice. And what else God should have made than what it was written; to start sounding His trumpets and announcing the way of the Bride’s coming to His wife, to His church. (See the selection topic: The true church”, r.n.)

But once with the trumpet sounding, behold, Gog and Magog (The communist dictatorship and then the dictatorship of money, r.n.) received the devil’s release upon them to fill up the cup of their errancy and then to be destroyed by the fire coming down from heaven, by the Spirit of God, Which is to clean up the lawlessness from the earth. Behold also the end of this godly week, which had carried into its midst the trumpet’s sounding of the covenant for the end God’s mystery and for the cessation of the sacrifice and for the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ. And if I came, everything stopped if I came; and then I worked to save that was still to be saved and that is why I said then that the seat of the kings was taken from the earth, and that those who want to reign may stay like the Lord on the cross, and not otherwise. And it was not so! As the kings knew nothing and remained at their place. But they do not have My kingdom, (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God”, r.n.) and rather they have theirs instead; and it shall remain nothing at the opening of the books, which will be read, as I said to this people; as this is what I told it long ago: „Children of My people, it is still a little while and we will shake our hands, and we will read the book of today’s prophecy, from the beginning to the end, in front of thousands and millions of creatures!” And I said that „That day will be great, when I, the Lord, will prophesy in front of many peoples and the first church will be built again.”

And behold, God and Magog, sing, cry and squirm, and the devil cries like never before, and the false prophet sees its lie, (See the selection topic: „The false prophet and the ecumenism”, r.n.) for the ages are into My Father’s hands; and there is no wise not to understand this. Neither the prophets perceived what they wrote; nor those from afar or those from near, and they stay and look from heaven and do not understand how it comes, as look, the mysteries are solved out on the earth, and the heaven and Jerusalem are established to receive those who will come to the celebration of that day when this book will be opened and it will be read it; and the great and small dead will stand before, and the like of fire will be opened for the liars, for the second death.

Children of My people get up and learn this lesson, so that you may know how it comes to wait for the resurrection of the dead and for the life of the age to come. All the world says that the Lord is a liar by His prophets, but it is not so. The world does not understand that I announced My kingdom and it will not understand if it does not turn back to look to the beginning. And behold, the dead will come to life, but I tell you that they have already arisen and the world will not have eyes to see, as the eyes of the world are prevented from seeing.

Oh, My people, how many times have I wanted to open your eyes and you did not want! How many times I have put you under My cloak and you did not stay! Behold, your heart is desolate. Open for Me to come in and to know the One Who comes into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and to eat with Me the new Passover for the new kingdom, My people from the end that are close to My coming. But I say to you that I have come and you did not know Me. (He comes in word named Word of God — Revelation 19/13, r.n.) Who has spoken to you, people from the end? Was it not God that spoke to you? Who else has really spoken to you? And what have you done? You have eaten and drinking; you have married and given into marriages and multiplied the sin of your body and you said that you live according to the book. And I have been working near you a city of escape, a heaven and a New Jerusalem; (See the selection topic: Romania — The New Jerusalem — The New Canaan”, r.n.) I have been working and calling you to come in saying: „Come in My people and close the door behind you!” And I still tell you today: „Come in, My people, into your good and Mine, as it is for you that I have My good! Come in, so that you may not remain outside, as you do will no longer know the place where you stayed! Come in and do no longer get out, as outside are the dogs and the adulterous, the idol worshippers and those that love the lying. It is a lie into the mouth of those that keep saying that there is still time. It is no longer time, but God is waiting for you to come into your good, people blessed by Me. We still have a little while to travel and at the end of travelling it is the feast of the heaven on the earth; and I will break the bread and give it to you, and you will know Me and rejoice forever. Ask God, so that you may understand. Come and knock and ask Me, so that I may tell you what you do not understand, My people from the end, and that you may not remain for the end.

I still have many things to tell you before My coming appearance in front of you, but can you bear them from now on? There are still a few things to travel and to fulfill, but who caused you, Christian, to grow blind? Who did to you something like this? I came and I was crucified and I remained for you and I gave you the key of My kingdom; I gave you the cross that I opened the heaven with, as I opened it for you, but I took to carry the key of death and hell, so that no one may put you there. If I gave it to someone else, he would put you back. If I gave it to you, you are wicked and would put your brother into the hell when you go upset with him. I gave you the key to heaven, so that you may open and come in, as I am the door of the tree of life, and for you to overcome, son, so that you may eat with Me My people, as you do not know how this great mystery comes, that is into My hand and that I want to offer for you to lay hold of it and be with Me.

Get up for Me, as I am the door and I am reigning with the saints and with the prophets, who work with you, people from the end. Get up as you have to go with Me and to get the loved one up; to wake Romania up, as it is for this that I passed you by this school, so that you may walk with Me when I call you to go. Walk with Me; at least walk a mile if you do not want to go two, for I take you then into My back on the way of the morning announcement. Go, as look, I give you the blessing to go, so that I may call you at the feast of the heaven on earth.

Romanian popular costume

Behold, I call out upon Romania; I call out to wake her up, and you should not stay with your hands into the pockets; do no longer stay like this. Is it not the nature itself that teaches you how ugly it is for a man to stay with his hands into his pockets? But it is bad for the Christian; it is indecent for the Christian when talking with another one to keep his hands into his pockets. The Christian that is pleased by the heaven should not have any pockets on his coat, for if it has, he puts his hand into it and stands with this hands into his pockets; and satan fills Me badly with pain, for satan rejoices over the Christian who stands in this unbecoming posture. The Christian that is fulfilled in his staying with God needs to have his little bag around his neck or at his chest, so that he may not be idle with his hands. The Christian needs to wear decent clothing, covered by a heavenly and not an earthly glory. If I told him how to wear his coat, I would be blasphemed by the Christian. But to you, those that believe in My coming back, I tell you: “Do not use your pockets any more, and rather cover the appearance of your body with a coat; with a coat of a Christian and not with a coat of a pagan. The time is coming for you to have a pleasant appearance of Christian. Make your little clothing with your own hands and let them fit you well and pleasantly, as it is the time for you to get out of the world with your appearance as well. Be distinguished, so that the world may know My Christian after the outside garment as well.” (See the Romanian popular costume, r.n.)

Christian, do no longer wear soft and thin clothing. Not this way, son. Until when so? I want you to be distinguished in the middle of those with a pagan life. The old Christians of your kinsmen had humble clothing, which covered the indecency of the body. Oh, I could not tell you that I did not like the cover of your body, Christian. You did not have love so that you may be and look humble in the midst of the people. You would have had more power in front of death, but you did not love life either. Oh, what kind of coat I would like you to have on! But I could not come upon you with this holy and decent law and you were not distinguished from the world this way too. And if I asked you now to be decent with your Christian clothing, you would say that you do not have money; this is what you would say, and you will say. But it is not so, Christian; do no longer stay like this; do not keep your hands in your pocket from now on. Oh, when I see your little coat that is so tiny, so tight, it hurts Me; you should know that it hurts Me, and you do not want to get out of the world.

Do no longer keep your hands into your pockets, Christian. Break off the pocket of your coat and do not longer keep your hands into your pockets, and come to the work of My path; let us finish paving the path of My coming which is seen by every eye! Let us prepare Romania, as this earth, after being cleaned, will stay before My glory and will carry My glory and your glory if you get up now to love My glory in you.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21–11–1993. (On Calameo)


[1] TR/CT omit “who deceives the whole inhabited earth”

[2] Romanian and Greek “he”

[3] Romanian and Greek “him”

[4] Or “thousand years”

[5] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni — Romania, redactor note.

[6] Translated by I.A.

[7] Interesting to read: Gospel of Nicodemus, part II: The descent into hell, r.n.



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