The Word of God about the coming with the clouds (7)

billy dean
19 min readAug 18, 2019


The Word of God about the coming with the clouds (7)

(You can see full document on Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on Scribd; on; on dropbox)


I am the Lord, Jesus Christ and I come down on the clouds of cherubim, as I also ascended into heaven, from near the disciples, on the invisible wings of the cherubim, which took Me away from their eyes when I went with them up on the Mount of Olivet. I have given them the promise of the Holy Spirit, Who will come upon them to give them power and to be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria and to all the margins, and then I ascended before them, and the cloud of cherubim took Me away from their eyes; and while I was ascending to the Father, with them looking after Me, there stood near them two men clothed in white garments and spoke to them: «This Jesus, Who was received up from you into the sky will come back in the same way as you saw Him going into the sky». (Acts: 1/11)

I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, My people, and I have been speaking upon you for a long, long time, and I have been speaking much. Be afraid to the joy of My Spirit, Who cries because of the man’s lack of wisdom, for when I ascended from the disciples up into the sky, the cherubim carried Me, and then they covered Me with their wings and two angels took form before My disciples and told them on the Mount of Olivet the mystery of My coming again on the earth in the same way as I ascended. Be afraid, you who are standing today before My word to hear it, for the cloud of cherubim carries Me to you when I speak to you, and I pass to you with them when I become word before you, and those through whom I come down to you have become a stairway to the angels who carry Me and become My entrance and the entrance of My saints, My people. Oh, this is how I have always taught you how to stand before Me, how to behave and how to feel My closeness and the closeness between Me and you, for man is afraid, and he does no longer understand or feel God, and that is why man has no longer got any share with God, My people.

Oh, son, oh, son, My woe is like God’s woe and it is not like that of man, but if man behaves with Me as one who is bigger than Me and puts Me down for himself, oh, he cannot understand My woe but only then when I bring him face to face with My pain from him, then when he departs from his body and stands before Me to see his life and deed, which judges his life for good or for evil. I have taught you, My people, how you are supposed to stand before Me and I have told you how I stand before you, for the angels told the disciples, when I ascended: «He will come back as you saw Him ascending into heaven». (Acts: 1/11)

My people, you should not take in vain this mystery, you should not treat it as the man who does not have God, but you should rather seek to understand how to stand before Me by My descent to you, for the cherubim serve Me from the Father to your ear, My people. Pray to Me so that I may make you wise for My mysteries of fire, as from your ear and to your mind and heart I have always done much and big work before you, and I see those who carry Me, those who keep Me so that I may be able to speak to you, I see how they struggle near you to make you perceive and the mysteries of My coming to perceive you as well, and they work like that for your own good, and they wear themselves out before you to make you stay within Me and to be able to work within Me and that I may also work within you according to My will, according to My expectation.

I sneak towards you with power of word even if the spirit and the power of My bearers are weak and feared because of your lack of whole understanding of My dwelling in them for My coming to you, son, My people. The promise I made through My angels on the day of My ascension, while in the presence of My disciples I ascended to the Father on the clouds of cherubim, this promise has been fulfilled into your midst, for so I come, as My disciples saw Me ascending into heaven, I come and pass to you, and you do not know how to take My mysteries, which are seen only by faith, only by the eyes of the spirit, only with the sight of love, sons. Oh, you should not have any expectations of Me, for it is I who am supposed to have expectations of you for the understanding of My mysteries so that I may give you My coming. Oh, seek, simple son, seek to see if you can measure yourself to My coming to you, and then only that you may treat it as you treat the man and if your mind and conduct do not know how to do this, then bow your head and be afraid because of your lack of knowledge in respect with those from above, which come down to man to take him to them if the man does not know to come with propriety before Me for his salvation and then for My work with him.

… Oh, My people, My ascension into heaven from near My disciples is the mystery of My descent to you, today. This is how I come; as I ascended. This is how I ascended, as I am coming to you now, and I have witnesses between you and Me, and they confess Me from margins to margins, as My disciples also confessed Me two thousand years ago, and My coming of today is great, My people, and you have to know well about it, and you need to become wise from it and to turn from man into God and no longer remain man and that is all. The one who believes in Me does no longer have to remain only a man and that is all, but he has to become God’s dwelling place among people, God’s stairway among the brothers who listen to God, as I had worked through the angels before men, as I also worked on the day of My ascension, when the angels came into My way, in the heaven above and on the earth below, and they testified about Me and worked for Me like sons.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s ascension, from 05–06–2008.


I come down on the clouds of cherubim between heaven and earth and I become word of Holy Spirit; I become wisdom and I become comfort and power for those who hear My word. I am the Lord! The bodiless cherubim cover the glory of My body resurrected from the dead, which was set again within the Father, and My glory is seen with the eyes of the spirit, just as the bodiless angels are seen, as the sky. My mystery and that of those which are not seen, this means the truth, and the eyes of the spirit are those that see the things that are not seen, the eyes of the spirit see, then the heart knows, and the heart is that which sets in man the feeling and the knowledge of those that are not seen, and thus is how man comes to live the truth. Amen.

I am Who I am. The Word of God is called My name in these days, when I am coming again from the Father to man to complete the work of My coming after two thousand years from My first coming among the people on earth, and the Romanian land is the cradle of My word, as the sky is the cradle of My body carried by the bodiless cherubim, and who have the sky as their homeland. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Spirit’s Descent, from 15–06–2008.


I, the Lord, come down on earth on the clouds of cherubim over My people into the midst of the Romanian people, and I set My food over it before the people so that they may hear of the God’s glory in these days, for two thousand years ago I said: «You will see the Son of Man ascending and descending», for I went to the Father in order to come back again with the spirit of comfort on earth, and this is how I am coming, as I promised that I come. Amen.

I am coming on clouds of cherubim and I am using My gates to enter as word into My book of today, and the gates are opening at My voice and this is how I am coming in to feed you from Me, My today’s people. Oh, open for Me to come into your being and listen to My word and fulfill it, for I am this word, I and My fulfillment, which I want to be in you in a great measure, My people. I speak with you sweeter and more beautiful then I spoke with Israel when I had Moses between Me and it, for you are at the end of the time; you are not at the beginning, and you need much comfort and much power to be able to be with God, for the evil spirit is worse than anytime and that is why it has become worse and worse, more wounded and more upset. However, you should not be afraid, people nourished by God, for I, the Lord has always given you My hand and I pass you over pains in My arms over the troubles and waves that try to swallow you and I have always cleaned your face and your little garment, for I know the hard time, as its poison is written into the Scripture and you cannot avoid it, but you can prevail against it with God, for I need a victorious people, now, at the end of the time, because I have to fulfill the Scriptures of the resurrection of the dead, and then the life of the age to come after the man’s ages, and I need you, My people. Oh, let any sort of wind blow, but you stay close to My bosom, for I am God and I can do everything, only for you to be able to believe in Me, to listen to Me and to comfort Me, because I feed you with the spirit of comfort and I give you the gift of holiness, and you, as a baby, come to My bosom and learn your protection from Me, learn to love Me and to believe Me, for he who has faith in My works upon man is great, and everything is possible to the one who has faith, because the Lord can work for him. Amen.

I am into your midst with My mother, the Virgin, My people and we are accompanied by saints, prophets and apostles, and these watch and feed you on My word, and we are carried on the clouds by cherubim, for this is how My coming with the saints is prophesied, and My glory from the end of the time is great, for it is at the end, and the end prepares the beginning and the life of the age that is to be on earth after the Scriptures of the resurrection of the dead is fulfilled. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Cover of the Lord’s Mother, from 14–10–2008. (On Slideshare; on; on Calameo; on edocr; on; on Issuu; on Google Drive)


The heaven is opening and the word of God is coming down on earth. Those that are not seen by human eyes come down among those that have been seen even from their making, for God made the heaven and the earth, the visible and invisible things.

The Lord comes down on earth as word, accompanied by heavenly hosts, those that are without body, because it is the feast of His angels. Amen. I, the Lord, announce Myself at the gates in heaven above and on the earth beneath. I open the heaven when I announce Myself with My descent, and I announce Myself in heaven to the angels when I descend, for I have the angels as My servants, and, again, I announce Myself on earth to those who stay for Me as the gates set by Me for My coming as word, for I have them as My servants. Amen. I have the seraphim near Me, those with six wings, loving of God, and they are in the image of fire, for it is written: «The garment of His glory is like fire». Oh, you who have come together at My spring of word for the feast of angels, pray to the seraphim to kindle you, to warm you and to give a godly nature to your love. Amen. Then I also have cherubim before Me, those with many eyes, out of which understanding and wisdom is poured out for the spiritual eyes, to give them the sight of God’s knowledge and of the mysteries from above. Oh, pray to the cherubim to illuminate your souls with the spirit of the knowledge from above. Amen. God’s carriers, that is the thrones, this is how they are called, because I rest in them as it is written: «You, God Who make justice, sit on Your throne». Oh, you who rule and reign upon people, pray to God’s carriers, to the thrones, which give rest to God, to give you the spirit of the right judgment. Amen. The dominions, the powers and the principalities come in a row in My heavenly glory, and these rule over the angels from below who give people the power of reign and of the wise stewardship over those entrusted to them, hosts of people, and then the powers which help the people in all their work, giving them greatness of soul in troubles and submissions, and the principalities have power over the devilish spirits, protecting the people and helping them for the kingdom of the heavens, which is earned by the victory against lusts and their hostile thoughts. Then there come in a row, the beginner spirits, the archangels and angels. The beginner spirits ordain the angels from below for services commanded by God over nations and lands, raising the worthy ones among people on positions of honor and exhorting them to praise God and not to look after their own benefits. The archangels are those who announce God’s mysteries, the prophecies and the Lord’s will, to increase in people their faith and understanding, and the angels, those who are close to the people, protect the people and protect them from falling and they raise them when the fall, and behold, this is the angels’ ministering, receiving service from one another. Amen.

I, the Lord, come with heavenly hosts and stay above you, people gathered at the spring. He who has ears to hear from God, let him hear My word with them and let him give you from Me by a ministering of angels, for I have ministering angels of My works, and this is how I serve from heaven and down to the earth between Me and man. I work through angels, and so little do the people know about angels, My people! The angels do not have a body and they surround Me and are My garment, and that is why the man cannot see Me, but I have a body and I go from place to place with the man, and the angels cover Me. I tell you, My people, about those that are not seen and are. Be faithful, therefore, for the unbelievers do not know to have the Lord as their Master, they do not know to keep away from their falling from God. I have called you to the spring, to refresh your understanding from above for those from above, then your faith and then the works of your life, son, for the ministering angels from Me up to you work from Me for you, and you should not be a pagan within your heart, but you should rather love the Lord with it, because the Lord is, son. I would like you to receive the mystery of the virginal heart and not to love other gods beside Me, for the common man cannot perceive how many gods the man is able to worship. However, you have been very much taught by God and I will ask an answer from you for everything I have given you to know, and I will give you a grade for everything that you have learned. I have work to do with you on earth, the work of resurrection, son, for I have lifted you up from the people for the resurrection of the dead to be My people, now, in the end of the time. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead[1]”, r.n.) Be faithful when I tell you that all those from the graves wait after you to come to their resurrection, for I have released upon you a mystery through those that are My gates and I have spoken through them about those that are not seen and I said that I have worked to do with you with depth, up and down, in heaven and on earth, for the unfaithful man works on earth and those that are seen are on earth. Oh, pray for the increasing of your faith and sight for those that are not seen, and let us work for these, son, for I need servants on earth, and I have angels as servants in heaven, for there is much to be served for the fulfillment of the last Scriptures, My people. The angels exhort you to the spirit of love and to the spirit of faith and then to the spirit of the comfort for Me, to be able to make you a healer from Me over the Romanian nations, My people, for this nation needs healing from sin and unbelief, and behold, I call it out again to its healing, for My wound for this nation is great, into whose midst My Father has sent Me to do now the work of My coming again from Father to man. Oh, the Romanian nations sleeps towards Me, and I try to teach it its resurrection and to call it on its name, to call it out from its unbelief and to give it the spirit of the understanding of My mysteries, for this nation has God’s election upon it.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the saint archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21–11–2008. (On Slideshare; on; on Calameo; on edocr; on; on Issuu; on Google Drive)


Oh, My people from the spring, I have entered at you through the gates and I let it be known Who I am, and then I have met the people coming to the spring. I am into your midst with a table of word and I give Myself to eternal life, because those who seek after Me not because of fleshly food, but because of the spirit of My power and the spirit of comfort, love, forgiveness and resurrection, which comes out of My mouth, and then they are those who are faithful to My word, which comes with the clouds as it is written that “He comes with the clouds,” and behold, this is how I fulfill. Amen. Oh, and I embracing you with the greeting of My resurrection: Christ has risen, My people from the spring! And now, we are putting My word on the table for the faithful people, to the one who believes by your preaching the word that springs from My mouth into your midst for the healing of the nations, but the nations on the earth do what the people in the time of Noah did, the one who was faithful to Me in that time, while all the others were minding only their own business and did not want to hear My calling through Noah and did not to believe or seek after My calling for their salvation from their trespasses, (See the selection topic: „As in the days of Noah[2]”, r.n.) oh, and they did not want, as neither those who today want to believe and seek desperately after their salvation so that it may not come upon them the hopelessness, the hour of temptation, which is to test all the people on earth, as it is written to come. (See the selection topic: „The great tribulation[3]”, r.n.) Oh, it was the same when I came from the Father in the flesh and word on earth to give the man the light of My word and then the light of My resurrection, the proof that I have brought for man to see that I am true God of true God, as man did not want to believe that I am.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the prudes, from 03–05–2009.


Oh, My people, You are of great value to God. Your faith in the work of My word has got great power in you, power from God, little son, for I said that God’s kingdom belongs to the little ones. Oh, you should protect yourself to be great, to be able work, to be yourself, to want. Oh, God’s sons on the earth are not like this. They are the little ones, in whom God can work after they receive power from Him to become God’s sons on the earth by His love for them and then by their love for God. Oh, son, born of My word of today, take care to love God and not to love otherwise if you are in My fold of New Jerusalem. You should love nothing, nothing else, for only I, only I am eternal, son, only I am the One Who gives you life so that you may have, only I am everything in man, and he who has Me completely in him remains forever, and one like that cannot fall from My work and from the fold of My church of today, and then I teach through them all those who hear My voice by My church of new Jerusalem on the Romanian land, the land chosen from the creation of the world to be My settlement now, in the end of the time, when I am coming again from the Father after the man in the clouds of word, for My glory of today is the word and I glorify Myself through it. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, from 12–07–2009. (On Slideshare; on; on Calameo; on edocr; on; on Issuu; on Google Drive)


My voice becomes word and feast of Epiphany and I come into My book with My people of today, a book that bears testimony that I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, put the word in this time between Me and man, the voice which is heard from heaven and to the graves, as it is written in the Scriptures, and the angels of My coming serve Me and become a bridge between heaven and earth, from top to bottom in the sky, and clouds of angels are carrying Me above My people when I am speaking to it My word of today. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), from 19–01–2010 (On Slideshare; on; on Calameo; on edocr; on; on Issuu; on Google Drive)


Oh, My people, I have written Myself into the book with the judgment for the thief and with My coming out into his way to save him if he comes back to believe God by this word. By My coming down on earth, I give faith to man, as I do not come into his way in order to speak to him, and I do not need his tools to reach to the ears of God’s bearers and to come into My book of today with My word for any other reason than the one that I need a man with faith; that I need a man to whom I may reveal Myself, a man who has got paper and a pen to write, and I to speak to him and he to put Me into the book. I am the One from Whom the man has stolen and become a thief to make his tools so that he may be able to speak to each other, from one end of the earth to another, hearing each other by this devices made by him. I am the One Who has got all the power to go forward and speak, and I do not do this by fabricated devices but by My power. However, man makes his tools by wisdom stolen from heaven to be able to do and to go and speak to the other end of the earth, and he needs to steal from My invisible things and make his tools in order to give them soul on earth and then to call them his angels. Oh, the angels are otherwise; they are spirits and not bodies; they are not tables and iron, they are not human devices. I, the Lord, come on the clouds of cherubim, and I stay invisibly and shepherd the man, for the invisible things, which were made first, are those that cover My glory, a glory that is and for which man needs faith. Oh, this is how I have been sitting at the table of the feast of today with My people from the spring and with the one coming from far away at My gentle voice after the man in order to teach him his coming back home, and I have stood in the clouds of cherubim with My mother Virgin, the Queen, and We have spoken the word of the man’s creation over those who have come together with sweet hearts and tearing eyes from the joy for the heaven in them, for they have come to My table and sat down with the heaven at the table, and that is why those who have come to the mouth of My spring of word, which so gently I pour out so that it may flow and those who are thirsty to drink of it.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption, from 28–08–2010


I come on earth as the word of the man’s making, for it is written for Me to come. I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, and I come again, and I speak Myself with the man and I am invisible, for I am surrounded by the bodiless angelic hosts, as I ascended to the Father when I departed from My disciples, as a cloud of angels hid Me from their faces, and they were told by the voice of an angel: «This Jesus will come back just as you saw Him ascending to the Father». (Acts: 1/11)

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21–09–2010


I am sitting at the table of word into your midst, oh, My people, and I have the apostle Andrew and My trumpet Verginica, (Verginica — the diminutive to her real name: Virginia, — see the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets[4]”, r.n.) both workers by the word of the feast of three days among My saints, with whom I have been walking between heaven and earth, for I come with the saints, because this is written, and I do not come alone. And those who want to show to the people on earth that I come on the clouds of the heaven will be bitterly deceived, for I do not come as they want to show it to the people with their lie, but I come with armies of saints and angels and they do not have eyes to see God in His coming, and they see only what they want to see, and they do not see what God does for those who see from God; however, as for those who see like man, they will see the day of My wrath, the day of the release of My pain, gathered from all the people into My heart because of their departure from Me, because of their life without My will with them on earth.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint apostle Andrew, from 13–12–2010.


The sequel of document will be published soon, r.n.

(You can see full document on Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on Scribd; on; on dropbox)



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