The Word of God about the change of feasts — the denial of faith (1)
The Word of God about the change of feasts — the denial of faith (1)
(You can see the full document: On Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on Scribd; on; on pubhtml5; on, r.n.)
«And his ten horns are ten kings that shall arise: and after them shall arise another, who shall exceed all the former ones in wickedness he shall subdue three kings.
He shall speak words against the Most High and shall wear out the saints of the Most High and shall think to change times and law: and power shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time.» (Daniel: 7/24–25.)
«Let no one deceive you in any way! This will not take place unless the apostasy comes first and the man of sin[1] is revealed, the son of destruction.
He opposes and exalts himself over all that is called God or that is an object of religion, so that he sits as God in the sanctuary of God, presenting himself up as God[2]!» (2 Thess: 2/3–4.)
The change of feasts — the denial of faith
Excerpts from the Word of God[3] on this topic[4]
… Let it be sought into the old calendars, so that it may be seen how the holidays are really to be kept. Take after the church book of hours, for only those remained after God’s will. The communists write whatever they want into the calendars.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 14–09–1984.
… Come on, from now on, let’s move ahead with the fulfilment! But in order not to be disclosed, keep both of them at sight: the new style, but with a sincere heart, the old one, the Romanian one, and for what was broken as long it was broken, the one who had broken the arrangements is responsible. He is responsible, because you did not know until now. I did not tell you: I was afraid not to lose you. For after I had stopped the staining, many people turned their back on Me. If I had told you this earlier, you would have said that it was too much. Now, when the times are ready, I have told you how I can bring you near Me. For, behold, the fast of the holy apostles in the new style lasts three, four days, but in the Romanian style it lasts two, three weeks. The one who changed it will have a lot to answer, as, behold, he reached the evil before Judgement, and at the Judgement Day, he would have to be responsible for the people who took into darkness. If you want to respect the new style, I will consider it to, for what you did not respect until now. Pay back, therefore, Caesar’s things to Caesar, in order not to be disclosed and he might come against you, for if you give him what you should, you will cover what you want to give to God.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 11–06–1989
Let us shake our hands, flock with flock, brother with brother, and to stick our tent and to spread the meal, most waited by all holy heaven. Call upon your flock, My love, and tell it about My spring and about the thing that I am working in Romania at this time. Call your flock and make it understand your voice and make it follow you, for I want to show it this garden and My voice which fills this garden. The time is coming to put the ages back to their places, for the time of the red beast, (The communist dictatorship, r.n.), changed from their places My times and My heavenly feastings. Behold, I come with this establishment too, to put it back to its place and to harshly reprimand those that trampled over the parental ones, which were established by Christian blood and by the foundational sacrifice for the clean faith, left by the saints that are with Me now, they who work from heaven with Me. I want to be waited with wakefulness the same way Moses’ people was preparing when I was telling him about My coming down into the middle of the Israel people in the time of Moses, for behold, in the middle of this chosen land, it is more than Moses.
Excerpt from the Word of God to Visarion Iugulescu, from 06–05–1991 (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive.)
God speaks from the heavenly ones and God’s voice is heard, but let they who hear God’s word sit and make another book to the one who is Romania’s anointed on behalf of the Lord Sabaoth.
Peace from the Father, from the Son and from the Holy Spirit, peace to the king of Romania! Peace from the Mother of the Son of the heavenly Trinity, and peace for a heavenly feast from the rulers of the heavenly hosts, Michael and Gabriel! Peace and celebration in heaven and on earth, as it will come that the celebration of feasts from the ancestors will take their places, and it will come for the sons of the church to turn their faces back to their parents, and afterwards, the parents will turn their faces back to their sons. Romania, the first called among the nations, will be the first among the nations of the earth, as it was born at the same time with the Lord, Jesus Christ, and if it was born then, it was christened by the first called from the apostles, as the apostle Andrew came and baptized Romania even since it was in its swaddles, and Romania became Christian and Orthodox; from its birth it was Christian, and the Lord cannot forget its infancy and its first dress, and God cannot forget the ornaments which Romania was invested with, because under its holy land, all Romanian heaven cries out to the Lord and says: „Lord, how long until You redeem those that stay at the foundation of his holy nation?”
Excerpt from the Word of God to King Michael, from 13–11–1992. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)
I am your shelter and I am your strong protection in the world. I am with you as I have chosen you for My work, for the work of the fulfillment of the times of the heavens, and I have given you power to believe in Me and to do the works of faith and then to take you for the first fruit of the new beginning, which comes with Me, and then I want to give you eternal life, as this is the reward for which you live according to the truth in Me in this time when no one is able to have Me after the truth.
However, the world is stiff-necked and it does not believe in the eternal life, which is coming with Me in this time. The world does not believe because it has got used to the things of death and it does not have the power to believe as you do. And even you would have not believed if I had not given you power to believe. The power of the faith in the things that I tell you in order to give you eternal life, the power of your faith will renew the earth and there will be a new heaven and a new earth according to My promise for this time, as this is the time in which I am with you, children of the faith that has not been heard of through the ages. For behold, there has come the time for the redemption of your bodies and there is no longer faith on earth. Right now, beloved ones, right now this is the time of the great unbelief, unheard of through the ages of the heavens, oh, right now! However, I have a remnant in you and this remnant is little, and from you I will raise sons of faith and faith from faith, and this is how I will prepare the way of My return as I promised in the beginning.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the saint martyr Varvara, on 17–12–1993.
My people of today, the world from this little village did not know; it did not know well why you used to come on this hill; it did not know about My spring for you; it did not know that here was the cowshed for you and for Me. My work with you, people of today, has been beautiful. Verginica was the pipe that I played for you, Israel, My people of today, but the world from here was laying traps for you and for Me. That happened to Me then too. Those from My people, those from My town did not appreciate Me and did not receive Me. The same was with My trumpet, Verginica. She was a vessel chosen by God, but neither the villagers, nor her neighbors, nor her godparents, nor her godchildren, nor her kindred and nor her closest relative valued her. The same was then too, when I came through the Virgin; the same as now when I came in the Holy Spirit to choose you from the world; you, Israel, My today’s people. And I have had no place on the earth to teach you as I had to teach you, for the church on the earth that bears My name and My garment, the Orthodoxy that I kept calling it My bride, forsook God. (See the selection topic: „The true church[5]”, r.n.) It wants to deny God, but I say that it has already done so, as there has been no greater schism within My church since two thousand years than the one that was seventy years ago, when it was fulfilled the Scripture that says: «They will make so bold as to change the times». (When, in 1924, the Romanian Orthodox Church changed some of holy days of old style — after the Julian calendar, for the new style — Gregorian, like Catholics as well, r.n.). Here is the schism of that time; it was the denial of the faith and of the celebrated saints from the heavenly Synod; the denial of the Orthodoxy from our forefathers. The Orthodoxy does no longer know that God means; it took after the science of this age and believes what the science says. But the greatest science is to work out the commandments of the holiness and of the Christian and godly virtues, for which some of the learned men left the teaching of the world and embraced the light of the godly virtues, as it is written: «Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts», and the law, which condemns the man before God, as the experts of the law condemn your love for heaven.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 09–06–1994. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)
Sons, sons, get under My protection, come under the wing of the saints and angels. Do not stay without protection, as the faith denial has come. Only the sons of My work have faith. God is no longer believed anywhere. No one knows how is to believe God anymore, and the faith denial is displayed from man to man. What does faith denial mean? What does this work means sons? Sons, sons, this work is the Lord, Jesus Christ, that came on the earth through the word; and it became the Lord, Jesus Christ, and spoke upon the earth; and the people who hear it say that the Lord is the demon, and no one recognizes the voice and the word of God; and the faith denial is displayed from pillar to pillar beginning with the pillars. The pillars are the people of the church, as first of all I went to them with the word, both then and now, and only after that I headed for the nations of the earth, then and now, and God’s denial is displayed from pillar to pillar, from man to man. The man of the church makes you deny Christ; to deny this work, which is God, which is called God’s word. He makes you do as he does, and to lie as he does; for he says that he is with the mother-church, with the church from the east. Do you hear son, what he says? The mother-church, the church from the east! Oh, if he had been with the mother-church, with the eastern one, would he have been a man of the lawlessness, of sin and of the vainglory any longer? The mother-church is the one, which died for its sons. The church from the east is the one who gave light over the sons; it is the one, which the man of today’s church brags about, the man of the church of the world, who stays with his lawlessness on his seat, on the seat of the mother-church. That is why I came and I cried for you, Israel, and I told you that My enemy took My little house and My little coat, (Of bishop, r.n.), and stole Me and posed as God, and I do no longer have any right in the house of My Father, (The Orthodox Church, r.n.), and the enemy says the he serves Me and that he is Mine. He is Mine but as an enemy, not as a friend; he is as one who took from Me everything that I had from My Father, and about whom it is written into the Scriptures that he took My vineyard. But I took the gift and the grace of the vineyard and I gave them to those who love Me, and behold, I have a new vineyard, and I left the workers of the vineyard in disbelief, and I put over them the word that I spoke in My time with you, Israel, My vineyard from My coming, and no one can do to you any harm, for you are under My tabernacle and you are faith in God. I established you on the earth by the word, to be the people of the faith in God, to be light and path for the people without holiness in their flesh, and he, who denies you, denies Me, and no one can understand that Scriptures which speaks about the faith denial in the last time.
Behold, I declare a word, I spread the word into My book and say: I brought this work of word on the earth and I told the man to do God’s will; that the man should believe in God and sanctify by the holy word which urges the man to the kingdom of the heavens, as I have come again speaking on the earth. This work is called God and God’s word, which comes from God. This people is the people of the Word of God, and I made it known through the work of the word spoken from glory over the earth. He, who hears this work of word and he, who hears the One that speaks from heavens and denies this word, denies God. I have been working the heavenly word on the earth for forty years, so that I may bring the man face to face with Me by the word and to test him in the faith. Behold sons, the faith denial is the denial of this godly work among the people.
I told the bishop, the witness of My work; I told him ahead of time, that if he loses My work, he will not know the time of the faith denial. I told him that the faith denial comes over the church, and behold, it has already come, and he does not know that it came, as he did not remain with Me to know from Me. He wants to flee; he wants to say that the Lord is not true by this word that came from heaven, but he does not have this luck. Now it would be good for him that the work of My word to be a lie; it would be good for him that while he keeps the crown (Bishop crown, r.n.) with his hand that no one may take it from his head. But he does not know what it means to have a crown. You have a crown, My people. You are crowned, but he did not want to stay under your crown, and took a crown of vainglory, like the bishops of the word, who make use of the names of God and of the places consecrated to God, and commit lawlessness in the place sanctified by the parents; and they stay at their parents’ bosom, at the mother-church’s bosom, at the bosom of the church from the east, as East means God; it means holiness in the flesh, and heavenly life among people.
He, who gets angry with you, My people, chosen from the church of the world, gets angry with God. The angry man loses any appearance. The angry man has to humble himself and take the appearance of the Holy Spirit, of gentleness, love and patience, if he wants to be a man of Jesus Christ.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from 11–06–1995. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)
Oh, daughter Romania, do no longer trample under your feet the feasts of the heaven on the earth, as the saints are above you with God’s heaven on the wings of the Holy Spirit, on the wind of Holy Spirit. Search into your laws from before the storm (Before the Second World War, and then of the instauration of the dictatorship of the communist red beast, r.n.), and come back with your face to the parents, so that your parents may also turn with their faces to you, as the prayers of My anointed sons, who I come to you with, will be fulfilled in front of My eyes. My word will be fulfilled as the preached word has power in it. First, it is the word, and then its face comes, as this is how it has been worked through the word.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Martyr Mina (Or Menas; 285–309 A.D), from 24–11–1996. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)
Oh, your forefathers pray in Me; they pray to the Father, so that the Holy Spirit may come down over you, so that you may know to understand the word of life, the Gospel of My word, which is proclaimed to every nations of the earth before the appearance of the body of My glory, My country. The forefathers pray for you, so that you may not forget the ancestral holy days, and to establish yourself in them, and to put them back to their place, My Christian country, as this is how the measure of creation was working when I set the signs of the times. I had worked with a measure when I made them all, and I was declaring when I was working the creation in the beginning; I was working and saying: «I have done it», and there was an evening and there was a morning for each work of those that were created. This was the measure: an evening and a morning, and it is not the way the man measures the time to change the times from the place of their creation. (When part of the world churches have moved from old style — Julian calendar — to new style — Gregorian calendar[6], r.n.)
The man changed the boundary of the creation and the feasts, which come from the forefathers. I am the One Who made the times and the signs of the times, and the man changed the signs of the times from their place, and when he changed them, he forgot that the measure was the day, an evening and a morning, and the measure was called day. I am the One, Who made the moon for the times, and the sun, which knows its setting. I am the One, Who put the darkness, which became night for the beasts to come out and bellow and ask for food from Me. I am the One, Who makes the sun to rise and bring together the beasts into their couches, and the man gets out to his work and to his duty until evening. Oh, how much I have grown into My works, and the man forgot it and got up and changed the times and said that it was him. The man became God and he said that it was him, but My measure is the day, an evening and a morning, and these have not been changed from their place and they know their boundary. Only the man does not know My creation and the signs of the time, as I made the moon and the sun to set the times, so that the man may know the measure and not to move it from its place, and to celebrate My feasts at their place. (According to the Julian calendar — the old style, r.n.). And then I made another sign of the time, for I rose on the first day of the week, and this day remained to its place, and I will mark down the signs of the moon on it, as I put the moon to set the times, and the son, which knows its setting. (Reference to the way of calculation of the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection — The Passover, r.n.).
Today is a day of feast, a day of Epiphany, a day, which have come down to us from the forefathers, the celebration, which knows its boundary. It is a day of Epiphany in you, Romania church, My last church, My house of guests, My house of My coming back. Father, the King comes with the wedding of His Son in you, as the Father is in Me when I come to you. Come to dinner, come! I have a little garden of sons into your midst, and I am flesh and word in it, as I am in My second coming. I have My body come down and the word into My little garden with sons, and I have always told them: „Take, eat; this is My Body and My Blood. Take and eat; this is My word, the Spirit of the Truth. Eat and grow up, as I am the One, Who grow in you. I am the One, Who is, and there are no other gods. I am with you and in you, to be and to give Me to the people for a day of birth and of baptism; a day of resurrection and of ascension and of everlasting supper with Me in heaven and on earth”. This is what I have told the sons of the garden of My word, who hear My voice, which comes with the clouds above the little garden of My word.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), from 19–01–1997 (06–01–1997 Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)
[1] CT reads “man of lawlessness”
[2] CT omits “as God”
[3] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni — Romania, redactor note.
[4] Translated by I.A.
[5] You can also see on:!hVtgjLJR!vhg5QR1Qc82yxTW84Y2Q2EX6IrNeT3FA97Oqvlhpe4A
[6] Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)