The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalyptic beast (12)

billy dean
16 min readApr 3, 2020


The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalyptic beast (12)


(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on; on scrid; on; on dropbox; on mediafire; on docs.zoho; on, r.n.)

I also comfort secretly My bishop through whom it has remained on earth the testimony of the appearance of the stone of the New Jerusalem, and I clothe him in the armor of My angel Michael, the angel of My people, that is My inheritance. I protect it from all the dogs that bark at him, for the dogs that bark do not bite, and little by little I give him the crown of patience until its fullness, when the saints and the angels will decorate him. I comfort him in secret and I make him feel the Comforter from Me, and I expedite the time of his love and of his decoration, for I have great mercy of all those who have no life in them, and those who are set over the people under the name of My servants are antichrists, they are not shepherds and they have no mercy on man, but they have only empty glory and empty speaking, which has no effect on anyone, as My life also has no effect upon them as well. I will start touching them and I will put down their pride and I will bring them to humiliation, because I have so great mercy on those who have no life in them and I will raise a shepherd according to My heart and everything will be refreshed at his holy voice. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God, thirteen years from the laying down of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of New Jerusalem, from 22–07–2004. (On Calameo; on edocr; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)


Oh, I have suffered a godly pain this day, I have been suffering when I see the antichrist how he has been struggling to bring down under his knees the country of brightness, to bring the Romanian land under his power, but I, the Lord, will make him kneel down soon, soon, for this land belongs to the Lord and not to the man, and I will take it back and I will make My will of it and from it. Amen.

Oh, Romanian people, stay to learn My will before Me. Get out from the bondage of the man and come into My way, for I come into your way to save you. I give you My Holy Spirit to be refreshed within Him, for you cannot be yours if you stay on a land chosen by God. Soon, soon, I will take you out from this bondage and you will see My hand above you, and then you will glorify Me, because you have the sign of the apostleship on your forehead, for you were My first one marked among My disciples of two thousand years ago. My apostle Andrew seals you today too with a spirit of manhood to wake up if you want, or today is a day of mourning on the Romanian land. The sons of the devil[1] struggle to bring under their control this land that was sanctified by My word of two thousand years ago and by the one of today, but they will no longer have many days, for My glory will come down on earth with wrath to cleanse the iniquity from it and all its servants. Amen.

It is a day of mourning in heaven and on the Romanian land, but I have ordained for the people on it a day of revival, a day for the cleansing of the unbelief, and I have also ordained to him illumination and victory upon the devil, the cross. Amen.

Oh, children, who stay only eyes and ears to Me and to My word! I am consumed with pain for the Romanian land in whose midst I have you as the light of the world. Share My pain and My light over the earth. How the greater is My joy for the memorial of My victory through you on the earth, the greater is My pain that the devil brings on Me in this day, by his struggle to win over for himself the land of My choice, but he will soon know that his place is the crying and the gnashing of teeth and that the place of the Lord’s glory is the land which he tries again to take under his control today. However, I will destroy him soon, soon, him and all his servants, for the time now is Mine and not his, and I will exhort many to the life of the age that is to be and I will pull them from the deceitfulness of the man’s age, and these will receive power and they will love the heaven on earth and the earth will listen to the heaven, and the people on it will see God and will serve Him. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God, thirteen years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12–12–2004. (On Calameo; on edocr; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)


… The world of the angels always stays in the service of My plans, of My Scriptures, to fulfill them. The world of the angels is heaven, and My angels had a great fight against the angels of the darkness of this worldly age, angels who wanted to overcome and remove Me from the helm of the battle. However, I have commanded you to raise your little hands and ask Me to start working the victory from heaven for My country and yours, the country of My word, and in the days to come to put down the antichrist’s plan, who struggles with the power and the work of the devil to have dominion over the land of My choice, the land on which I am Master, I and My plan for the end of the lawlessness on earth. Amen.

I prophesied in the morning of the feast for the sealing with the law of holiness over the little garden of My word, a day with mourning, (December 12, 2004, the day of the presidential elections in Romania, lost by the followers of the Communists, r.n.), I prophesied that I would wake up the Romanian people and give it a spirit of courage, and I said that I would bring to an end the days of the destruction of the antichrist, and the world of angels, at the hearing of My word, spoken for this beginning of victory, unleashed the war from both sides, and I watched and started having days of victory. I overcame everything the devil planned ahead of time by all his evil spells because you prayed, as I told and taught you to do, and on the day when the blow against My victory was supposed to be stricken, I told you to ask from Me, with your little hands and hearts lifted up to Me, all at the same time in one voice, the one who was to overcome against the whole devilish plan, prepared to cut off My progress to the days of the glory of this country of My return as word on earth, and in this way I fulfilled, and the world of the good and bad angels who made war against each other finished the day with the victory on My side, and in this way I will stay at the helm of the invisible battle between the two kinds of the worlds of angels, and thus I would bring My entire victory before the Father after that, for everything will be submitted to Me in order that I may submit all to the Father and with all those who love God. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the feast of saint Virginia, from 14–12–2004.


Behold, I speak out a mystery to you, My people, for I have stayed long with you to teach you, if I took you into My bosom in this day of glory of My angels. Oh, son, when satan stood face to face with Me and tempted Me threefold, after I got out of the water of baptism at Jordan and when the heavens were opened for My Father to speak that I was His beloved Son in Whom He was well pleased on earth, I came back from the river Jordan full of the Father and of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit led Me up into the wilderness, and there I did not eat forty days, and then I went hungry. When satan saw that I was hungry, he tried to have a hold over Me and he said to Me: «If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread». However, I answered him, «Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God». Then satan took Me to an exceedingly high mountain to see his kingdom for a moment and he said to Me: «This dominion was given to me and I give it to whomever I want; fall down and worship me and it will be Yours». However, I answered him: «Get behind Me, satan, for it is written, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve». And again, he tempted Me the third time up there on the pinnacle of the temple, and satan said to Me: «If you are the Son of God, throw Yourself down, for it is written: ‘He will give His angels charge concerning You,’ and ‘On their hands they will bear You up, so that You don’t dash Your foot against a stone». Again, I answered satan the third time too, and I said to him: «You shall not test the Lord, your God». (See also Matt. 4:3–10) And when I told him this, satan left Me, and I went into Galilee, into Nazareth and everywhere, and I was preaching about Me with the power of the word of My kingdom and all were marveled, and the Father was in Me. Oh, behold, My people, what God means in man! Learn, son, learn My work upon you, for the prophesying spirit knows satan and when he is satan, but the human spirit does not know him, and satan leads the man into temptation, well, well sons. Oh, do not take, My people, after the one who denigrates the man, for the man does not have this right. I, the Saint of the saints, have spoken this, son. However, you should take after the man who rebukes you for your getting wise, but do not take after food to worship satan for bread, and do not take after the goods of the world to long for them and to worship them and their master, and do not bow to test God either, for it is written: «You shall not test the Lord, your God». My people, receive My exhortation; receive it and seek first to remain and seek not to commit sin by not fulfilling My word. I have only and only teaching for you, for behold, My work of coming has got now enemies in your midst, My people, and My way on to the earth has been denigrated, and I will get up now for Me and try to cleanse from darkness those who work, either willingly or unwillingly, to make a spot on My work in order to test your faith and the faith of many who get comforted from My river of word, My people.

Oh, My people, I have always taught you not to stop near those who undress you of your faith into My word, which exhorts you for My kingdom. I have always exhorted you not to come to a stop among the group of people who are rebellious, even if these might be only one or two of them, because there is a host of devils with them too, for they serve the devil. Oh, do not come to a stop with them, because you become like them, both in your mind, in your heart and in your faith and then you will fall in disbelief, and disbelief is the reward of those you have worked and without My pleasure, and you fall under the work of the spirit of rebellion and betrayal of God and of brothers, you fall into the sin of betrayal and revenge and then in denial of Christ, for you do not belong to Christ when you do this, but you are rather against Him and you are antichrist, son, and here it is what antichrist means! Oh, My people, when I was speaking through Verginica and I had the inquiring one near My mouth, then I said: “Sons, sons, now, when I am speaking, the antichrist is near the bed of My trumpet, too,” and there were four, or five Christians when I was speaking like that, but when they grew in number, how many antichrists were lurking for My life?

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the holy archangels, Michael and Gabriel, from 21–11–2007. (On Calameo; on edocr; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)


I am into your midst with My holy one, with the martyr Stephen, who confessed with his blood, shed for My testimony, and who overcame by the blood of God’s Lamb, son. He did not love the spirit, which stands against Me, the spirit of the world, which has on its face a name of blasphemy, and the spirit of the world has got up to close the mouth of My holy confessor. But antichrist cannot do anything, for what he does is not power, because the power is Mine and of My saints, and the antichrist, the one who has been hiding for two thousand years under the robe of the church, will be proved out by his own work against Christ, for the power belongs to My saints, to My brave ones, and happy are those who separate themselves for Me coming out of the world within their spirit and soul to follow My armies of saints, for those who set apart for Me are crowned, they are the living fruit and the glory of the faith on earth, from earth to heaven, and they are My glorified ones, My lambs, becoming like Me by death and resurrection, for this is how those who overcome by My blood are, My people. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint martyr and archdeacon Stephen, from 09–01–2008. (On Calameo; on edocr; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)


Oh, people of the church, it makes Me suffer when I see that you give glory to one another, that you get up and set over the others on the chairs of greatness, to show each other to the people, and you keep Me away from you, far from your living, far from My clean serving with you, and the day of the judgment comes, and the sheep will be separated from the goats, and you have not taken care of Me, you have not visited Me, for My little ones, through whom you could be with Me and visit Me, they are those who love Me with My fulfillment in them, and you have not shown your love to them, and behold, I do not have sheep to be separated from the goats when My great day will come for the sheep to be chosen from the goats as it is written in My Gospel about the day of the fearful judgment. Oh, do not forget that My church is the first one built among the saints; not that what is made from the sinners. Do not forget that the holies are given to the saints, and the saints are those who have a holy life. Do not forget that I am the Saint of the saints, the first One resurrected from the dead, and I am not of the sinners, who do no love Me, and now the sin of the faith denial is coming to you and this heavy sin is coming closer and closer, for those who have departed from My Spirit, the Only One in the church of one thousand years ago, (The Catholic Church, r.n.), want to put down to the ground My church now, which has remained and which has kept in it the image of My kingdom in man by its saints, and they try to put My face down, for it is written: «they will get together with one mind to give their kingdom to the beast, until God’s words will be fulfilled».

Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the right faith, from 16–03–2008. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)


Oh, those who want to damage My progress through this word over the earth will not overcome. I will touch with sufferance those who try in secret to hold the dyke against My going on earth with this word of My coming, and against the going of the faithful ones, according to the fulfillment which My coming from the Father requires for the preparation of a people to receive Me at My coming. All those who have passed through this people, will be called here and required by angels to give account for their life lived before My coming and for their works, either a shameful answer or a happy one, according to how clean it was their heart and life within which they stayed or did not stay beautifully under My teaching, after they had known from Me the life and its work in man, the love of God in man.

When I tell the man about the evil in him, he has to keep away from it after that so that he may not be punished by that evil. This is how I have been teaching man the love of God, for behold, on earth there is only covetousness, only envy, and man shakes man off his feet and people fall in piles, for they do not know what the love of God and the standing on their feet are.

I have mercy on the Romanian people, for behold, it does not know to stand on its feet in times of trial and storm upon it.

Oh, Romanian people, open for Me and do not be blind, for it is about your destiny from Me, not that which comes from man, for the man of antichrist separated himself from the tradition one thousand years ago, (In 1054, when the churches from the west separated from those in the east, r.n.), and now he is trying to swallow all the remnant that I keep by My grace. Oh, do not be blind, Romanian people! Do not slap Me in the face like the blind man whom I healed from blindness, and then he forgot and fell into sin and slapped Me in the face on the way of My cross. When he was blind, I was good for him because I healed him and he saw, and after I made him see with the eyes of his body, he slapped Me in the face.

Behold the work of the antichrist, the work with the name of Christ’s church, the work that crowns itself in the church, as it is written in the Scriptures! Oh, do not deny, Romanian Christian, because the flock that denied its ancestors one thousand years ago (The Catholic Church, r.n.) wants to swallow completely the little flock, which has remained on the way from the beginning. Even two thousand years ago, I said: «Do not be afraid little flock; the Father wants to give you His kingdom». Now, I keep saying to the little flock to fight for the faith from the saints, for behold, little flock, those of old, who separated and stayed hidden under the name of church, have been trying to eat your faith, and now are showing their heads to bite those who have kept themselves for Me. However, behold My church! I have lifted it up to Me one hour earlier from the falling of the church and faith, for the church, which was supposed to be right, has been selling itself now for nothing. (See the selection topic: The true church[2]”, r.n.)

Oh, Romanian people, the time of faith denial has come to you. Hold tight near Me, for man cannot protect you, but on the contrary, those who say that are shepherds upon you sell you to those who have denied the faith. Oh, pray to your fathers to intercede for you with God and for your faith that I set before you by My apostles I have been sending on the earth to teach the way to the people.

In My today’s coming in the word, I have with Me the king Constantine, who is speaking from near Me and is saying this:

Oh, Christian people all over the earth, and you, Romanian people as well! There are no longer kings and priests to bring the way of the faith to you, the way of the Lord, a way with the cross on it and not without a cross, a way with fighting for the faith of the saints, Christians sons! Oh, fight, you fight! Romanian people, you should fight too, for the saints in heaven also work for you if you are faithful.

The Lord is coming down with exhortation over the whole Christian people. Lift up the cross! Lift up the cross with three crossed fingers making the sign of it in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Christ’s church is that which is persecuted, under pressure, not that which is praised by the people on earth. You will know them after their fruit, those who have advised you and those who have made you wander away from the way of the cross, the way in which the fathers of the cross walked. Open your eyes and teach from their fruit those who belong to Christ; however, I urge you to the spring, sons of the Romanian people. The Lord becomes word on your hearth so that He may not leave you to die. Be alive in order to be able to believe in His teaching, which is coming to protect you from the wolves. Lift up the cross! With it you will overcome all the venomous heads, which seek after your hearts and not after your bodies. Open the Scriptures, which speak about this time, and you will find in them the wisdom of the faith, Romanian sons.

And as for You, Lord, wake up the spirit of the holy fathers and strengthen Your cross over Your people from the end of the time, the Romanian people, to which You have come to glorify Yourself for the end and for the new beginning, for Your church will be and will not end. Amen, amen, amen.

⸻ And now, I, the Lord, am sealing the word of the king Constantine, who is standing near Me with his mother queen in the heaven with the saints. May My will be done over the Romanian people who is well and faithful, and at least faithful to get wisdom before the time comes when it will be too late. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint king and queen Constantine and Helen, from 03–06–2008.


[1] Reference to the parliamentary and presidential elections and to the successors of the Romanian Communist Party, who fight to take the power, r.n.;

To be continued.

(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on; on scrid; on; on dropbox; on mediafire; on docs.zoho; on, r.n.)



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