2023.04.16 — The Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection

billy dean
12 min readMay 14, 2023

The Word of God[1] at the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection

I am, sons from the citadel of My Word! I am here above and I am opening your hearing, and My voice is speaking from above and we are making our meeting on a day of a resurrection feast and I am proclaiming upon you the greeting of two thousand years with which My male and female disciples were announcing My resurrection from one another in Jerusalem and over the margins, sharing the joy of full moment and saying to each other: Christ is risen!

“He is truly risen,” I hear from you, and peace to you, sons, peace to you and Christ is risen!

All over the earth of My Christians it is heard the greeting of My resurrection today: Christ is risen! This is how the news of the joy of My resurrection was shared among others and those at that time told one another that Christ is risen, and this news deeply tore those in Jerusalem who worked for Me and helped My resurrection to be able to show everyone My resurrection and to fulfill that what I had said by the words spoken to them before My cross, for I said: «The prince of this world has been judged», (See John: 12/31) because he crucified Me on the cross, and I was risen, and then great fear came upon him and upon the unbelievers and they tried to hide under the lie that the disciples stole Me from the tomb; however, they gave money to the soldiers that guarded the tomb to spread the lie, but those among them who did not receive any money left to their cities with the good news of My resurrection, and Pilate announced the Caesar that the centurion who crucified Me was proclaiming everywhere, he and his soldiers who believed and confessed My resurrection, and Caesar also promised money to Pilate, and those who confessed the miracle from the tomb of My resurrection were caught and martyred, and behold how great and evil power the money has and how much crushing it brings to those who receive it to spread the lie paid with money against God and against those who love God on earth!

I am with great work on earth and I am working faith and the gift of faith by the word upon those to whom it is given to believe from the Father, to believe through My crucifixion and resurrection as two thousand years ago and to join as witnesses of the life of Christian among people, and My word has as much power as God at the creation of the world when I made the heavens, and with the breath of My mouth, all their power. I gathered the waters together as in a waterskin and I put the deep into its chamber; I said and all things had been created and built.

Oh, this is how I am building you to be Mine, My today’s country, and I am coming to you as the word of your creation, and blessed and happy is the nation for whom I am his God, the people of My inheritance, My today’s country! Oh, how beautiful will you be under My glory upon you! I will beautifully adorn you to meet Me, as a king prepares his daughter for marriage, and I will give you a very expensive ring and you will share brightness, light and comfort over all who will love you for My name upon you and for your adornment with gifts from above, with heavenly ornaments, and I will put on your head a little crown made of heavenly flowers as at your beginning in the time of the creation of the world, and I will share all over the peoples the sweet fragrance of the paradise, My country, My Romania, My comfort from the end of the time, for behold, you are My chosen one and My wedding table, oh, My rest, My ornament, and you will be My glory for you are Mine and you have beautiful sons from God, and there will be no one not to love you according to the truth, for your Lord and Bridegroom will shine with all His heavenly powers at His table with you, and the heaven and the earth will be filled with comfort, because those from heaven will sit at My table with you and the kingdom of the heavens will be My wedding feast, I King, and you the daughter of a king and the bride of the Son of God, (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) oh, and how hard it is for a man to believe when he hears My word for you, because man sees only from nearby, only with his fleshly eyes, but I will give him faith to believe that I speak the truth, as I spoke through the Scriptures that My entire word would be fulfilled on earth as in heaven.

I am sending to the people, faithful to My word, the greeting of the Passover: Christ has risen! And I do this to make them happy by My speaking with it.

You, who believe that I am this word to prepare with it the glory of the great day when all the eyes will see Me, you, those who do not doubt or stumble over Me and over My word by which I am coming back from the Father to the people after two thousand years, oh, fight on My side through love, sons. Love never fails and those who are on the side of the love from above fulfilling the commandments of the eternal love even from the earth never fall. Oh, and only in this way can be Mine those who remain on My side with faith because I am the Son of God, and I leave My voice over the earth to prepare My people to meet Me, and here they are, those from the manger of My word how they welcome Me and put My word into the book, and they put it on the way to go and to proclaim Me! (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb — The Book of Life”, r.n.)

And now I am calling out at length to the shepherds of the Christian flock and I am saying:

Oh, church of the Romanian people, peace to you! Christ has risen! I am Who I am. You have My name on your head and I exhort you from heaven among the saints to remain in My love; remain on My side with the work and truth, for your enemies and Mine have unbridled longing and they had made a plan to tear down your little shirt and then to throw us into nonexistence, you and Me, as it happened two thousand years ago when I came and when the antichrist and his servants tore My garment; nevertheless, they all were brough to shame when they saw that I was true in My word and deed, and they saw themselves overcome, and after that they tried to hide the light that shined in the darkness and which the darkness cannot overcome.

Oh, take care of you and Me, if you are Mine and if you are on My side and on the faith from the fathers, you, church of the Romanian people. Take care not to fall from grace and from your heavenly watch upon you, because it is written: «Let the one who thinks he stands be careful not to fall», (See Luke: 8/18), and behold, you have to watch not to fall if you think that you stand and that you are, and for this receive My watch for you and be awake and with faith before My word, which watches over your life. Oh, do not stumble over the little ones, to whom I have come to establish the word of My voice upon the earth now, when Father is sending Me, for the hour has come. Oh, do not doubt it. Go back two thousand years ago and see how I came then.

I came in poverty and kept Myself in humility, hiding all My glory under the image of the Son of Man. I did not sit at the table with Caiaphas and with the rulers of the temple, and I rather sat with the fishermen gathered from the seashore to make them the disciples of My wonderful works, and they submitted, they love Me and followed Me, and then I worked on them for the wisdom of the Scriptures and fulfilled through them the spirit of Jesus Christ’s testimony over the earth, beginning from that time and up to you from one generation to another through the descendants.

Oh, and just like at that time, I am working today, too. If I came to you, to the big ones on the seats of the church, oh, I would not have any room, I would not have found any reception and faith, for there is great envy, great, among those who minister in My name at the holy altars. However, I put in those under the burden of life, I put faith and I found faith too, and I worked being helped by the faith put by heaven in them. Behold, I took the sons and daughters of the church and committed to them the word of the renewal of the world about which I said that I would come to fulfill this Scripture of the new birth of the world, oh, and that is why I came and I come.

For seventy years I have been sharing My word over the earth by this spring and through this people. I am also coming to you on a day of the feast of resurrection and I, the Lord, resurrected from the dead, am telling you this: Christ has risen! Christ has risen! You sit on Christ’s seat as shepherds of His flock! Oh, take care of you not to fall under the hand of the servants of the crucifixion of My Spirit, for these want to separate you from Me, from the fathers, and from the order of two thousand years of Christ’s church, oh, sons. The antichrist man has enmity against the fate of the Romanian people, he has found My mystery with this nation and hid My truth for the Romanian country and for its people that have been Christians for over two thousand years. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.)

I advise you to listen to My word and not to receive any foreign whisper, you, ministers that have to shepherd the Christian flock, for I want to speak through you and with you to remain on My side and on the side of My word, which watches over you. Oh, take care of My work of two thousand years through My church, for which you are to be hold accountable, and stand watch, for the pagan wolf is knocking at your door to suck your sap and to leave Me without you, for he is to deal with Me not with you, he is very much against Me not against you, and if he draws you on his side, then you will cry, you will lose that what you still have.

Oh, therefore, be wise according to the wisdom from heaven, you bishops and priests of the Romanian people, for now it is the time written into the Scriptures, supposed be an attempt to overthrow the Son of God once again, and the antichrist has been working against My inheritance for more than one hundred years, when he struck against the feasts of the saints, (Beginning with 1923, when they decided to switch the holidays from the Julian calendar[2] — the Old Style — to the Gregorian calendar — the New Style, r.n.) and now he is trying again to overthrow what has been left standing, (The Celebration of the Lord Jesus Christ’s Resurrection, that has remained in the Old style, r.n.), and then he wants crucifixion, not a good destiny for you, My church.

Romania is My today’s country (See the selection topic: Romania — The New Jerusalem — The New Canaan”, r.n.) and the antichrist enemy knows about My mystery from the end of the time with it, oh, and I want, My country, to wake up those that sit on the seats of the church to watch for you and for themselves so that the dyed satan may not be able to sink you in unbelief and then to write your destruction as he did with Me two thousand years ago, when they thought that I thwarted their party and their lives far away from My commandments.

Oh, I promised to spare the citadel of Sodom if I could find in it a handful of righteous people, but I found none, and the harlot citadel perished and went to the bottom.

I promised to have sons with faith in the country of My coming as word on earth to spare it from those that would come over the world, and that is why I have been calling out to you, oh, Romanian people: be Christians, sons, and be good, good, together with the shepherds of the church! Oh, be good, because I am going to greatly protect this land and people, if you are good, if you believe My word, but humility for faith is needed; love for My coming on earth as word is needed to stand with it before the destruction prepared by the antichrist man for the peoples on earth. (See the selection topic: „The great tribulation”, r.n.)

I have got a beautiful people on this Romanian land, and I am still raising beautiful sons by faith and by the works of the faith to have then a little handful of righteous people through whom I may be merciful to the whole nation. I want to have beautiful sons into the midst of this nation, for the heaven is beautiful, and it needs to beautiful down on earth as well, and that is why, here is what I am saying:

You who lead a pagan life on this land, protected by the angels and saints, no matter how much you may make up or adorn your bodies for sin, for paganism, for your departure from God with your life for sin, no matter how much you may look to be beautiful, oh, you will not be. No one is beautiful but the Christians, because they have Me as their beauty, and they are the Lord’s people on earth, and for these God makes protection even over those with a pagan life, and many of them will embrace the beauty of God’s sons and will be on the side of those protected who have wisdom from above by My word which rules the world and goes speaking. Amen.

Therefore, as two thousand years ago, I, the Son of God, will be victorious over unbelief, and I will protect the new seed and out of it the kingdom of the heavens will grow on earth, starting with the Romanian land and people, oh, and in this way, it will be overcome the antichrist more severely as two thousand years ago, because I, Jesus Christ, am speaking this. Amen. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God”, r.n.)

And now, the heaven is singing both for the faithful and unfaithful: Christ has risen! Sing too, you earth! Sing also, you, faithful people on earth, for the birds of the heaven have been singing from dawn to the risen Lord and bring to heaven celebration with a song of resurrection to God like all other creatures, because God’s creation listens to its Maker and it glorifies Him, as it is written.

Christ has risen, My Romanian people!

Christ has risen, people of My word on the hearth of the Romanian people!

Christ has risen, citadel of My word in the midst of the Romanian land!

Christ has risen, sons who share My word, and peace to you, sons! I am with you all the time! This is how you are supposed to be with God, too, and there will be great fulfillments, and we are going to share My glory over the nations and the comfort of the Holy Spirit in a great manner, greatly, as it is about the end of the time, for the day of My glory, oh, sons. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.)


Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

[1] The Word of God in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni — Romania, translated by I.A., redactor note.

[2] Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Style_and_New_Style_dates) are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)

The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the times», when the primate metropolitan — of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revised_Julian_calendar) which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions”. «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.

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