2021.01.14 — The Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Circumcision and the Feast of the Saint Hierarch Basil the Great

billy dean
15 min readFeb 7, 2021


The Word of God[1] at the Feast of the Lord’s Circumcision and the Feast of the Saint Hierarch Basil the Great

On a day of holy feast in heaven and on earth, I am coming down among you as a shepherd among the sheep, and we are setting the table of word and sharing with it over the earth and to all the margins, as it is written for My proclamation to go everywhere, (Apoc: 14/6)[2] sons, and you be My help and let us rejoice the Father, let us rejoice as well, because we are working, for behold, the feast of the Epiphany is coming closer and we have to share and give holy water on the day of Epiphany, and let all the messengers come, take and give to the others in the cities and let all have protecting water on their way far from the spirit foreign from God. And behold, we are getting ready, sons, to perform the sanctification of the water and to send it in the cities, for it is now the time made by man, and you have the Lord, Who takes care of you, dear sons.

Peace to you, and may you have a day of holy feast; peace, sons! May the preparation of the feast of Epiphany be blessed! Then one of the messengers from each corner of the country, wherever there may be those who love My word and My place with you, will come to take and bring to those who wait for the water, and I will send them food of word, too, for I am the Shepherd, sons.

Now, I am bringing to memory My obedience even from the time of the days of My infancy, for My parents took Me and brought Me to be circumcised, according to the law of the Jews, and to receive My name given by the angels, the name of Jesus, as it is written in the law of the Lord, «Every male that is the first born of his mother shall be called holy to the Lord». (Luke: 2/23) Then the old Simeon took Me into his arms and blessed God, and he said that I would be the light for the revelation to the Gentiles, but also that I was ordained to the falling and the rising of many in Israel, and for a sign which is spoken against. (See Luke: 2/34)

I was the Son of the heavenly Father, but I was also the Son of Man, and I was meant to fulfill, as a man, the ordinance for the man, and My obedience and of those who grew Me was fully accomplished.

And I have, sons, with Me, in the feast of today, the great Basil, a great hierarch in spirit, and in his works on earth, oh, and there is no longer any servant at the altar of the faith like him, for this one watched continuously and without any fear of enemies over the work of Christ’s church and the only one truth within it, and this saint remained with a great name over those after him, but he also remained as an example to follow for those who, with great effort, have been keeping undamaged the teaching of the church, as for two thousand years, there has been a time of fierce fight for the observance in holiness of the mystery of My church and I have been taking great care through the holy ones on earth of this holy mystery through the work of My church from generation to generation to this day, for satan’s war has always been fierce, and it has been relentless as it is today.

And we have today, to our memory, the Christian tradition, the holy traditions and with great mystery for them, dear sons, for on a day like this, the first day of the first month in a year, after My birth on earth, the Christian ancestors of this nation of today were walking from house to house with blessings and wishes, and they were celebrating the union of the ploughmen, the labor for bread and for the preparation of the bread. Oh, and how does this come? Behold, the groups of children, the groups of young people and old people as well, have used to gather together, they would take with them a little plough toy and, as a farmer goes to plough the field, they would walk from house to house and give the good news, and in this way, they would cast out the evil spirits, and the house that did not receive those who came

with the good wishes were not so much protected from the evils over the year.

People were going in the middle of the night when the heavens were opening and they were loudly uttering blessings, they were asking the people: Are you receiving us with the little plough? Then, on the second day, early in the morning, the people were gathering again in groups and going from house to house with the sowing of the wheat grains and the houses were filled with sowing grains, carried in small bags on the way.

Oh, it was beautiful, this Christian tradition was holy, and it reminded of the birth of a nation, of the choosing of a clean field to plough and to sow, as the words of the little plough poem are, full of moral, because the preaching for God is like the little plough that works the field to be seeded, oh, and the Christians were going with a little whistle, with drums, with little bells, with sheep bells, with instruments that sounded like the oxen’s bellowing, and everything was wonderful, and these holy traditions have remained to this day, and the prayers[3] of the saint Basil were pronounced in churches, and these were rebuking the evil spirit and were protecting the Christians from the devilish plots, oh, and the people were with God on earth, and God was with the people more and more, and He was sowing His word upon them, and the people were better, holier, more obedient, having more longing for heaven.

After the feasts and good wishes were over, the Christians started again their work for bread and this land used to be the land of bread, the country of God’s mystery, and behold, now, in the end of the time, it is the country of bread here, for My word is in it as food, for I am the Bread that comes down from heaven as the food of My church, as it is written.

I was in the midst of a people from various citadels and I told them the parable of the farmer who went out to sow. As he sowed, some seeds fell by the roadside, and the birds trampled and devoured them. Others fell on rocky ground and they sprang up but withered away because there was no moisture, and still others fell among thorns but the thorns chocked them; and others fell on good soil, and yielded fruit: some one hundred times as much, some sixty, and some thirty. (See Matt: 13/3–8) Oh, this seed is the word of God, but the devil lies in wait near those who hear and takes the word from them lest they believe and be saved. The seed on the rocky ground has no root in itself but it endures for a while and those, who immediately receive it with joy, then stumble because of temptations. The seed sown among the thorns does not catch any root because of the cares, riches and pleasures of life and it becomes unfruitful. However, the seed sown on the good ground, this is that which was sown in the man with a pure heart and it brings forth with patience, and to the one for «whoever has, to him will more be given, and he who does not have, from him will be taken away even that which he has», (Mark: 4/25), as it is written about the parable of the sower.

And behold a great mystery, because the today’s soil of the Romanian people has been chosen to be sown and it has brought forth fruit, and it is written in the history of this nation the good wishes of the little plough poem, which describes by the words that God’s seed was sown on good ground.

And in the time of the building of My church, a king came from afar, descending from the seed of this nation, oh, and he was ordained by God to come and choose this land for Me, the Lord, to come with the sowing and with the farmers and to sow the seed so that the good wheat may be yielded, that this nation may be a Christian people. It is said in the story of the little plough uttered in the houses that this king took his horse and stood up in his stirrups and looked upon the earth to choose a clean field to plough and to sow it, oh, and that place was on this land, of the ancestors of that time, and God sowed His seed by those who had come with the king, and these left the news of the kingdom of the heavens and of its king, Jesus Christ, oh, and this country was born at that time; it was born once with My coming on earth, and My Father called it My country, and it has been a Christian country for two thousand years, and My seed has not dried within it because the field was a good ground to sow, oh, and the ancestors were saying the story of the little plough of this nation, and these mysteries have not been told in vain because everything was and is within God’s care and they were pronounced over this land and they have kept on being pronounced up to this day.

I have been speaking to the nations of the earth recently and I have told them this: Do not wonder why here, for I am going to speak about this great mystery and you will be comforted, because it is a time of great light, for the light is coming.

The farmer went out to sow his seed, and it fell here, on a good ground, and now, we are spinning the holy memories, which the antichrist enemy keeps on trying to wipe them out and to be forgotten, but no, I do not allow him to have access at My mysteries, for when he has been working thorough his people to stop, in the church of the Romanian people, the pronouncing of the prayers[4] rebuking the devil so that it may depart from this land, from the houses of the Romanian Christians, satan’s work, who is the enemy of God and of God’s saints’, now the saints from heaven are pronouncing the rebuking against the devil, and the holy hierarch with a great group are working and casting out satan from everywhere on this holy land, and in the midst of the people of My word it is being pronounced, once with the saint Basil, the departure of the devil from the Romanian land and from all the Christian people all over the earth, and behold:

May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit rebuke you, together with all God’s saints and with all the people of the word! Step aside as far as possible from those who are baptized in a Christian way! And this country, you must know with all your devilish servants, that it belongs to the Lord, Jesus Christ, born in the manger of the sheep two thousand years ago, once with the birth of this people, Christianized two thousand years ago according to the tradition left over and upon the first Christians, for the Christian people has been God’s people on earth, and other nations, on which My seed was sown, have not kept it as they did not have good ground, propitious to the end, but here the seed has been sown and it has yielded a thousand as much, and this land is the country of bread, and it is even today and it has received bread from heaven, that is I, the word on this land.

The bishop Basil is calling out to the servants of the church, and he is calling out to them to stand up to do the holy work, as they wanted to be God’s servants, and he is telling them this:

You, servants at the altars, lay your hands on the ploughshare, plough and sow so that the wheat may spring up and grow richly into ears! Oh, do not be afraid of the rulers of the world, but be afraid of God instead, and receive wisdom from above, not from the earth, for the fear of God is the beginning of the holy wisdom! Be afraid of God and have wisdom from above, for the knowledge, received from the people and spread everywhere to the perishing of many, is not wisdom at all, but it is only the questioning of God’s creation, oh, and man should not test God, for the devil brings only hallucinations to men, not the holy truth, oh, as it was not the earth that it was built for the sun, but the sun was made for the earth on the fourth day from the creation of the heaven and of the earth, and what it is beyond this is only the questioning of the mysteries of God’s creation and it is sin.

And, as for you, lay your hands on the ploughshare and look up into the sky, and this is how you are to work to protect the Lord’s flock, because I lived and fought only for the protection of the church and I cut the lie and heresies because I was suffering for the flock and I was protecting it from the understanding wolves, who understood only as they wanted. And as for you, be the force and salt of the earth and remove the evil work, which is coming near to the church and near to its holy mysteries, and the Lord, our God, will reward you when He comes. (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.)

― Oh, servant, worthy to serve at the altar, your zeal for truth was great, your zeal for the church as it was ordained at the beginning through the apostles and through its saints! No one is supposed to change God’s work; no human is supposed to do this, rather it has to be followed with great care.

You, servants of today over the church of the Romanian people, oh, you went wrong to the Romanian people when you did not want to listen to Me and not take part at the mixtures of the flocks, (At the Ecumenical Synod, from 16 June to 27 June in the Crete island, r.n.), and therefore, you have shaken the people, faithful and knowing the mystery and the course of the church.

Behold, the human knowledge tries to change God’s mystery, but this cannot be done, and one hundred years ago, they went wrong because the place and the time of the feasts of the saints were changed[5]. Therefore, watch, and do no longer allow the damage to strike those that have been established by the saints. The sun was made by God for the earth and it has its law; it rises and it sets, and it rises and it sets again, and bishop Basil has got a clear teaching for those after him lest these may wander away by the human and wandering knowledge, and behold how much ignorance is in those who test the mystery of creation, brought under God’s control and not under the control of the questioning men!

Lay your hands on the ploughshare, plough and sow like those in the beginning, lest you may want to shake the foundation set in the beginning and by so doing to fall from it, and your obedience to the fathers will prove that you have love of God and love of people, but not otherwise.

Oh, people, do not tempt God! Let the tower of Babel be thrown down and crushed, but do not take after those who want to rebuilt it, and after those who write their condemnation.

It is the time for all to come to their senses, all of them, for the light is coming and it will be light, and no one will have any place to hide, for it brings everything into view and it casts out the darkness with its power.

Now, there is another time. It has been written by this time about God’s word, and for two thousand years it has been kept on writing, and now, I, Myself, am speaking and it is being written, for on earth no one is allowed to say that I am this word, that I am speaking, that I, Myself, am coming and working, oh, and everyone are counseled to speak to the right and to the left against the truth from this word.

The man has to believe in resurrection, oh, and he has much to work to do at this with Me, with the One Who was resurrected from the dead. Those who were resurrected before Me had someone who had worked within Me for their resurrection. However, it was not like that with Me. I, Myself, rose from the grave in which I was put with a seal on it to give the man the faith in his resurrection, and when the resurrection of all people will come to take place, the man to have part of his resurrection, to be resurrected by the faith that he has had on earth, waiting with hope, as it is written. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.)

Oh, and let My word be heard to all the margins and let all believe in it! Amen.

Finally, again and again, I am giving blessing for the preparation of the feast of Epiphany and I want to ask those who are going to take holy water, and I am asking them to take it in their vessels, which should be clean to keep holy water in them, (Glass or ceramic vessels, r.n.) oh, at least holy water if they do not want more than this. Let every Christian get a vessel pleased to God and have it prepared to be poured out holy water in it, and if possible, let him remove as much as possible, the vessels that are unclean by the dough of which they are made. (Plastic vessels and bottles, made of crude oil or gas, taken underground, r.n.) Oh, for I suffer when I see so much uncleanness over those that are made by man and which come in man, and satan rejoices when I suffer from his wicked work.

I, the Lord, am also bringing good wishes at the beginning of the year, for the years are numbered after My birth on earth, and now is the first day of the first month after My birth, and My time on earth has been since that time, the numbers of the years counted after Christ.

Now I am bringing holy greetings and I am saying: May you, people of My word, have peace and health, forgiveness and love, faith and holy power!

Sweet and holy peace! May you be the country of bread, Romanian people, and may your fallow land have the Lord on it with His kingdom!

Oh, peace to you! Let My peace remain forever over this land and over the people on it, and may this people remain forever Christian people!

I am finishing My today’s word and I am signing it with My name:

Jesus Christ.

Amen, amen, amen.


Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni — Romania, translated by I.A., redactor note.

[2] «Then I saw another angel flying in mid-heaven [Or “midair”], having an eternal Good News to proclaim to the inhabitants of the earth, and to every nation, tribe, language, and people». (Apoc: 14/6)

[3] In the Orthodox churches, special prayers were pronounced by the priests for the forgiveness of the sins in special circumstances, Translator’s note, (TN);

[4] Ibidem 3;

[5] The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the times», when the primate metropolitan — of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revised_Julian_calendar) which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions”. «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.



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