2020.04.24 — The Word of God at the Feast of the Healing Spring and of the Holy Hierarch Calinic from Cernica

billy dean
16 min readJul 20, 2020


The Word of God[1] at the Feast of the Healing Spring and of the Holy Hierarch Calinic[2] from Cernica

There is preparation for the feast of healing among those in heaven, preparation of the spirit of faith and resurrection for those on earth, for the work of holiness awaits at the border to prepare all, or at least, many of them for the glory of the kingdom of the heavens with them on earth, oh, and there is nothing more comforting and more beautiful among people than the life with holiness, the great condition of paradise, with its whole joy and beauty; a life worked by each one according to the commandments of life, which I, the Lord, have brought down from heaven among people to be worked and that they may bring the Lord on earth with the people, so that God may be with the people and to give them from Him, oh, for the Lord cannot be with the man anyhow, not as Adam did in paradise, when he did not listen so that he might not lose his life and paradise, oh, not anyhow, but only as the Lord can be with man, only in this way, and as man also can and that is all it is not enough for God’s dwelling with him, but holiness is needed for this. This is what I have asked from the man two thousand years ago, his holiness, and I said: «Be holy, for I am holy!» and that is why the man has to be holy, for he has to take after the Lord.

Oh, peace from heaven over the citadel of My word into the midst of the Romanian people. Peace to its watchmen, who take care to set the word of My mouth into My book of today!

I am leaving over the citadel and over the Romanian country the greeting of My resurrection from the dead: Christ has risen! It is a day of the feast of much healing over those on earth. Christ has risen! I am with the saints above and I am with My mother Virgin, too, and We are singing from above: Christ has risen!

I am proclaiming with the spirit of the comfort the holy greeting of the feasts of Passover over those who have been coming year by year at the spring of the today’s healing, at the holy water with healing in it, and I am telling them: Christ has risen! And I am also telling them that I am going with My servants, I am going to them and will give them healing water and I will not leave them without it, and they have to be good, and I am telling them this: Rejoice and be glad when you see that the summer is coming near, God’s kingdom on earth and the salvation of those who wait for the Lord to appear and to bring victory for the faith to as many as were and are in the spirit of the faith of the coming of their Savior, Jesus Christ, the Lord of resurrection!

Oh, sons who used to come to get water from the spring here, (And who have not been able to come this year because of the restrictions of the corona virus pandemic, r.n.), I, the Lord, am sending you this letter and I am writing you here, on this day of the feast, and I promise you that I am coming after you to give you water, sons. Peace to you, and be content and be good, and stir up the spirit and the work of holiness upon you, for this means the great victory against the devil, who has to step aside and to wait for the payment of his work like everyone, for it is written that the works follow each one, according to the work of each one.

And now I am laying the spirit of faith first as holy advice over those who take from the today’s feast, for repentance brings about resurrection; it brings about the healing and the beginning of the work of the new man, in My image and after My likeness, and then let the one who takes his sins into consideration be holy, to understand then that he needs holy repentance for their removal from before the one who chooses to be holy, after he has seen his sins and the cleansing of his sins from him, and then his standing before the Lord for holiness, for the Lord is coming with His saints, (1Tes: 3/13)[3] and the Lord has to come to the saints with the saints from above, to begin on earth the mystery of the new heaven and the new earth, (Isaiah: 66/22)[4] as the Scriptures speak about this working mystery at the end of the time and the beginning of the Lord’s glory with the people, with those who prepare themselves with the greatness of heart for this glory, for its time is coming; it is coming and laying down and it is bringing great joy in heaven and on earth. (See the selection topic: „The heaven — the throne, the earth — the footstool: the man deified”, r.n.)

I am coming with My mother Virgin, but I am with the Father Sabaoth, too, and the Father is blessing the spirit and the work of the healing, which We are leaving now on earth both over those who are faithful and over those who are not faithful, for those who have and for those who do not have Christ as their Savior and Lord, for those who listen in a churchly way and for those who do not listen in this way. Oh, for many have made and chosen a church after their ears, as they have cast lots to fulfill or not to fulfill of those who have been left from the beginning of two thousand years ago, and ordinances that have been given by the Spirit through the fathers of the church until all have been established, sanctified and sealed over the life of the faithful ones of Christ’s church, (See the selection topic: The true church”, r.n.) oh, My Father, and now I am listening to Your voice, Father.

⸻ I am confessing You, I, the Father, I, as My Son, Jesus Christ, and I am telling those who gave you away two thousand years ago as an evil doer, as a rebellious one, and then they gave Your over to the cross and to mocking, I am telling them that it was not the Romans who gave You over to the death on the cross, but rather they did so, God’s people, as they are calling themselves today, they, according to their law, gave You over to denigration and perdition in order to do away with You and to be only them. Oh, and they called out, paid and incited the mobs to cry out: «Crucify Him!» Oh, they played everything according to their plan set up by Anna and Caiaphas, by their rulers of that time, oh, because only the rulers can do so in order that they may be able to rule alone, only the big ones, those on the seats of the nations under them, only they can act up like that, getting out of their way the people that may have a word to say. And I, the Father, am confessing You for those who cast You out from among them to the crucifixion and death on the cross; however, You came to life victorious, even if they were so wicked with You, and did not want to think of Your walking among them, at Your great name of God’s Son, at the resurrection of so many dead people before Lazarus’ resurrection, the one buried four days before, and then to so many healings You had done to the paralytics and blind people, and to so many suffering people of all kinds. Oh, the rulers of the Jews wiped out from their memory all these great signs and wrote on Your behalf false guilt and put the crucifiers at work and then they put You in the grave, My dear Son; however, You came to life again and they were judged by their own deed. Oh, and if they say that they wait for the Messiah to come, even if You appeared again even greater than at that time, oh, they would still deal with You in the same way and by no means would they receive You, and their callosity proved You to be true God of true God. Nevertheless, those who followed You, who loved you and believed You then, remained with You, and a holy people has risen out of them, and behold Your people from that time and up to this day, and until tomorrow, as well, and they have remained Your enemies, God Son, but out of these people there rose and keep on rising many to the Christian people, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and carrying among people the Gospel of Your resurrection like Your disciples of that time, and behold, the New Israel is born of Your word, and You are My beloved Son, with Whom I, the Father, am well pleased, You are the Son of the mother Virgin, whom those from the stubborn Israel did not want or love, like those who have chosen after their own choice the work of church, each one separately, and I, the Father, am telling them this:

You, those who do not honor and who do not want the mother Virgin of My Son, oh, be ashamed, for you will be brought to great shame anyhow, if you do not mourn over this cruel sin of your cold hearts. On her day of the feast among the saints, I, God, the Father, am asking you: Where have you found written to dishonor the Virgin that gave birth to Messiah, God’s Son? Oh, you of little wisdom, woe to you, poor of you! Oh, how much My Son has been working together with His mother Virgin, oh, how much He has been listening to her in everything! However, you take into consideration only what you please and that is all.

Oh, Jesus Son, I, the Father, am confessing You, and about those who had a hardened heart for Your truth, oh, this is how they chose to be, and You were venerated and honored on earth, and Your history has been confessing and it will confess to eternity that You are the Son of God, and behold, You shepherd with an iron rod, You shepherd the nations of the earth with Your word, and Your mystery is great and it is with those who are faithful to You, oh, beloved Son, and now I am giving the word to You, for You are My Word, the Word from the beginning, and God is the Word, and everything has been done through Him. Amen.

⸻ Oh, glory to You, My Father! You are in Me and I am in You, Father, and this is how Our work in heaven and on earth is, and those who are wise on earth know and believe so, for the spirit of wisdom helps them in their faith, Father.

Oh, glory to you, mother Virgin, My dear mother to Me! And let all hear the Father and the Son, those who do not give you praises and throw away the holy revelations that show how much you worked then and after that for My church, My church for two thousand years! Oh, it is so beautiful, the work of My church is so beautiful set, mother, which has kept its life and walking in those set upon them from its beginning! I have always watched with the saints, for the servants of the Antichrist are chasing Me away now as they did two thousand years ago, to please those at that time from generation to generation and from time to time, and they push themselves from place to place to remove from the foundation the holy laws and to take their revenge against My resurrection, against My church, and then to appear as though they were victorious; however, they lost even starting with that time their fight against Christ, for they were judged by what they did to Me, and in all the times they have been chasing Christ away from among the people, but they have never overcome. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.)

Now, I am advising the church of the Romanian people and I am telling those who must keep the richness and the beauty of the holy grace, and I am telling them this:

Oh, do not submit; do no longer submit to the changes that take place in the night, which the pagans keep trying to set over and against the churchly ordinances left from the fathers. Open the book of the prophet Daniel and you will see written the time of nowadays, when the pagans want to strike the power of the holy people, in the Orthodox Church and in its holy laws; (See Dan: 11/40–45[5], r.n.) let fasting and praying be ordained against the enemies with a hidden face and garment, who want to strike the country of brightness, My church and My Romanian country, into whose midst My Word is glorified and shines with grace, with light and with power from above so that every man may be able to be born from above by My word from the end of the time, for I, the Lord, am coming as word on earth. And if you do not receive My calling to you, then My word remains written and it has in it power of fulfillment. Oh, but you too should have power for the Lord and listen to Him with power, you servants of the Romanian people, but you should also follow My word written to you in order to fulfill it, because it has to be worked a great deal so that it may not fall down, so that My church may not perish, for Romania has been the most stricken one, (Due to the change of holidays — see note[6], r.n.) because the antichrist man knows its destiny among the nations and this destiny of the Romanian people is not pleased to its dark plan. Oh, be very careful, so that the flock may have you at its heart. And those who cannot become an example for the flock, oh, then let them do not go to ask for a priesthood; do no longer seek after this holy gift, if you cannot serve with self-denial for the Christ’s flock. Oh, do not get sick with greed when you come to serve at the altar, but rather do your duty towards God and to the flock.

Oh, church of the Romanian people, do not sell your glory! Be worthy of Christ! Do not bow to those who want to bereave you of My grace, but stand on your feet according to the guide from the holy fathers from the beginning, oh, and stay with the book on the table so that you may not trample it under your foot and thus to incur destruction and disunion upon you; on the contrary, take care of your mystery so that you may bring it in eternity, My love, oh, for many have come out from the holy mysteries and made separate churches after their will, and some others have come and settled down in the holy order, and even kings have bowed with all their houses and become Orthodox for an Orthodox country, and you should not forget your history, My country.

Oh, and do not forget that about one hundred years ago, there came great pain up in heaven, after the shepherd of the Romanian flock let himself be deceived and betrayed his flock, (The Separation of the Orthodox Church in the Old and New Style took place in 1923, when in Constantinople was decided the passing from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, r.n.), oh, and the history of that time has been only sufferance, and many sons of the church have been sacrificed, tortured and forced to abandon the old customs from their ancestors and the churchly order was shaken and two Sundays were taken out from the calendar, (Referring to the calendar, the expression “new style” makes reference to the Gregorian calendar, prevalent at this moment in the world. The “new style” denomination has been given in opposition to the old style that corresponds to the Julian calendar, — see also about Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.)[7] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Style_and_New_Style_dates, r.n.), and since then this damage has not been repaired yet. After that the shepherds that have followed have not watched either, and those that were changed have not been repaired, oh, and because of this disobedience to the holy fathers, the wrath has come so many times over the earth, and the sons of the church have to be taught so that the wrath, which waits at the border to be given its way, to flee away.

However, My mother Virgin has holy teaching on her day of feast, and come, mother, come to give to My church exhortation of repentance and holiness, works that keep away any kind of danger, and you call My church to obedience, My mother.

Oh, for You, my Son Jesus, I am in heaven as on earth, working near You as two thousand years ago for Your people of that time, oh, and I am looking and see how much holiness is needed at this time in the people on earth, for they need protection, and it does not come to them but only if they love their walking with You on the way of their life, for You are the One Who protects.

I am telling to the sons and daughters of the church not to forget, no longer to walk nakedly before God and before His angels, but rather to cover their bodies with Christian clothes, oh, for too many sins, too much immorality arouses from this disorder of life without obedience to God over the people, and all the sons of the church have to be advised to great extent in order that they may leave off the works that draw wrath and death afterwards, and the lack of the teaching and wisdom, these make people perish. Oh, at least let the people find the word of Your teaching, Jesus Son, for You are merciful, and that is why You exhort people to love and to protection over the sons of the church. And I am telling to God’s daughters and to men’s daughters, as well, to flee from immorality, to flee from it as from death, for immorality is from the devil, just as the holy life is from God, and these two powers are at war against each other, until the wicked power from the people will be weakened, and then they will be able to be with God.

Oh, on my day of feast among the saints I get sweetened from the joy of the heavenly word, Romanian sons. Oh, get sweetened from God’s love upon you and do the miracle of this love and then you will be beautiful in your heart and life, and you will bring forth heavenly fruit before the Lord and receive high wages, and I will be a comforting mother close to you and with my Son, too, Whom I wish to give to you and you to confess His love, oh, Romanian sons. And I am also telling you the greeting of His resurrection: Christ has risen!

⸻ Oh, a spirit of repentance is needed over the flock, My mother, and then a spirit of love on earth as in heaven in the sons of the church. It is a day of healing, and let Us give the forgiveness of the sins to all the sons of the Romanian people, and then the comfort of the Holy Spirit and walking with Us on the way, mother.

And on this day we are remembering among the saints the Romanian hierarch, Calinic of Cernica, and We are marking his prophecy over the Romanian people about the mystery of the New Jerusalem, which God gave him to write, but revealed in his time under cover, for this is how God works for His mysteries so that He may be able to work with them after that, and the Romanian hierarch is rejoicing now near this feast with his feast in My book on this day. (See the selection topic: Romania — The New Jerusalem — The New Canaan”, r.n.)

Finally, you, those who write Me down into the book and share Me over the earth, I am bringing among you the greeting of My resurrection and I am singing with you, Christ has risen! You are My hands and feet, as I have already told you, and I have always put power in you for Me, for I have to shepherd, I have to set Myself down with word on earth, I have to make a new heaven and a new earth, sons, and for this fulfilled Scripture, I need your help, and you should ask from Me to be able to work for Me, and ask Me to give to you, oh, sons. Amen, amen, amen.


Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni — Romania, translated by I.A., redactor note.

[2] Saint Calinic of Cernica (b. October 7, 1787 — d. April 11, 1868) was a monk, church founder, theologian, prior of the Cernica Monastery and bishop.

[3] «And may He establish your hearts, blameless in holiness before our God and Father even to end, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints.» (1Tes: 3/13)

[4] «For as the new heaven and the new earth, which I make, remain before Me, says the Lord, so shall your seed and your name continue». (Isaiah: 66/22)

[5] «He shall enter into the land of beauty and many shall fail: but these shall escape out of his hand, Edom and Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon.» (Dan: 11/41)

[6] The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the times», when the primate metropolitan — of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revised_Julian_calendar) which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions”. «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.

[7] Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Style_and_New_Style_dates) are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)



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