2019.08.02 — The Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Prophet Elijah the Tishbite
The Word of God[1] at the Feast of the Saint Prophet Elijah the Tishbite
It is a feast among the saints and angels, and the word of the feast has to be written into the book. I find you awake to make My entrance into the book, sons from the gates, oh, and I appreciate you for the care you take of Me, and My yoke is light, it is holy, and this is how you are to bear My coming on earth and the writing of My word into the book and its sharing after that, and I, the Lord, am your burden, but I am also under the burden with you, sons, for you need a lot of help and you have nowhere to take it from, and no one tries to perceive My work with you in his heart and deed, oh, and only I, the Lord, support and strengthen you, for My yoke is hard to bear for those who bear the things from the earth and not from heaven.
Oh, sons, today it is feast in heaven and at you, and the heaven of saints seeks with you in the feasts, they come with Me to you with their feasts and they come with longing, too, and I look at their longing, for I promised the reward of their love, of their faith, of their holiness on earth, and I give it to them.
Elijah, the prophet, and the great company of prophets are celebrated among the saints on this day, sons. Oh, peace to you at the table with them, peace to you and them, in the spirit of heavenly and fraternal love, My sons! And now we are setting the table, taking from it and sharing it with the people of My word and with those who are taking Me from you for the food of their soul, for at the last table of word with you I promised that I would tell you how powerful the holiness of this people is for those on earth and for those asleep, who wait and keep waiting from those on earth, as some who wait for their resurrection and receive from their homes help, comfort and perseverance from God for them, for the time of their resurrection, and I have told you to ask the Lord in your requests for them to heaven and to mention all those who have no one in the world to remember them too, for their joy among those who wait is the greatest, sons, and the same is your reward then. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.)
I have told you to bear the Lord with love, for My yoke is easy when I put it on the shoulders of those who bear Me, and for this I have advised to holiness the people nourished from heaven with the holy word. Oh, those to whom I, the Lord, give Myself and share Myself to many through them, have the duty to be holy. The work of holiness is very powerful for the saints through it, and then for many others, sons. It is written into the Scriptures about the wife faithful to the Lord, and through whom her unbelieving husband can be saved, and the same is with husband faithful to God for his unbelieving wife, too. Not long ago, I gave you a sign for a soul who left the earth and I have made it known to you to put him at the memorial tables here, with you, and this for the woman faithful to Me in her life and deed, because I, the Lord, have had mercy on this little and troubled soul and I have brought him to your knowledge for his healing and relief through the mystery of the faithful woman, for the one who was his companion on earth has chosen the love of God to live holy, sons, and she struggles to live according to My will with her faith and deed, and behold how much I appreciate the life with holiness!
Oh, those who have passed away from the earth need so much help, so much help from those who have remained alive, My sons, and My work with you is My struggle for them, for mercy overwhelms Me, it makes Me to incline, and you should also have mercy on them, for this is My work with you. Oh, sons, Elijah, the prophet, lived with his life, with his steps and work only in holiness and he had his looks, mercy and work for God fixed on Me only. Oh, how could I not have taken him to be with Me with his holy body for His Lord? He had a group of holy prophets near him in the mountains, and they called him master, and they were seized within his spirit and all were looking at him, as it is written. His heart and his holy life brought forth fruit on earth for heaven, and I could not and cannot but grant his requests since he was so faithful to Me on earth. His holiness did great miracles, for holiness does miracles, sons, and by it he used the fire against those who had opposed Me and for the sacrifice by his faith before those who were pagan with their life. The holiness in man is that which closes the mouth of the beasts, it is that which melts away the ice that gathers the martyrs and it stops the hatred of the pagan kings, and behold how powerful holiness is, sons, and here is why I have asked it for the people of My word, for the one who wants to be My people through holiness, sons. And to those who are still hesitant, behold I am telling them: long for this great pearl and holy, long as many as possible of you who receive My word as food for behold, I said what it means, how great the gift of holiness is, that is the heart, spirit and body clean from sin, from the devil, from the world, from haughtiness, from unbelief, and this gift means the fulfillment of the commandments of life, oh, and I have missed to say this and to remain in My book with you, My sons.
Oh, if someone in the genealogy of a people lives with zeal for holiness, may it be husband or wife, father or child, sister or brother, the Lord has mercy to a thousand generation[2] if the one who loves holiness tells the Lord to remember his departed from the earth. To live for the Lord on earth means to live holy, not to have sinful thoughts and desires, but to live on the Lord, for the Lord is holy, and He does not forget the saints or their people, oh, because the holiness in the body of the man loving of God has great power. That is why I have always advised the people of My word to get out of the world and to stand aside from temptations and zealously to love his holiness, for this is what the Lord asks from this people, with whom He wants to raise all the dead and to restore all things that have been spoiled in time, after the Lord had made them very well at the beginning of the world, and the man as well, only that man did not listen to the Lord, His Maker and Master.
Oh, sons of the holy people, let your prayer begin in this way: “For the prayers of Your Most Holy Mother and of our holy fathers, Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Father, save us and save those asleep in our people, but also save those who have no one on earth to mention them,” oh, and the prayers of the saints will be heard and will enter before the Lord.
And I am also giving a great piece of advice to the sons of the people of My word: Sons, sons, when evening comes do not go to sleep and fall asleep sorrowfully or upset with someone on earth, rather have love and prayer for one another for heaven, because on earth there is a great drought, sons, drought from the things in heaven which feed the man’s soul, oh, and man has got used to take from something else for the thirst of his life, oh, and all sins have always scorched the earth everywhere, and there is no more place untouched by sin in man and between man and man, and from the beginning of the world, and up to this day the sea of sins have been overflowing and the earth has been crying under this filthy burden, and the earth cries after the holy man on it, to take and clean with his prayer, with his calling to God for the Lord to come with the restoration.
Oh, the man on earth no longer knows how to take care of those who pass away from among the living. There are still those who strive to keep themselves clean for one year after the loss of their life partner, but the debauchery of the body is released after one year, as though the eternity of the one who has passed away from his body were only one year; however, the life on earth is not only one year long, oh, and this is how the man eager to frolic within his body knows to calculate, and those asleep wait in vain for their salvation. It is written into the Scriptures the example of the life of the prophet Elijah, and man has to learn from the power of holiness and its fruit and from the cleanness of the unbelief on earth, and as God, I want all the people on the earth to take heed and look up into the sky, which carried away the holy prophet in a chariot with horses of fire above. (See the selection topic: „Enoch and Elijah”, r.n.)
Oh, people on earth, I, the Lord, am telling you: you need to remember your brothers and sisters, husbands, wives, parents and relatives departed from here, and no one tells you how much expectation there is for those who have left their bodies for their salvation from satan and from his fire for those who have left not being cleaned or prepared, and you on earth always give yourselves to the lusts of the flesh and fornication of all kinds, and you forget the bitterness of those who have left through the ages and nowadays, and I, the Lord, let you know that there is great weeping after your mercy for them and I urge you to live for them on earth too, not only for the sin in you, oh, for there will come the time when you leave and cry with bitterness like them, and you will not find any refreshment, oh, for there is no longer a holy life and holy service before Me on earth to draw out from the fire the departed ones of those left on earth and who wait so much, poor of them. Oh, be saviors, be Samaritans, do not be indifferent to their torment, but rather be merciful, for behold, there is no holiness in the Levites, nor in the priests, nor in the laymen, nor in the monks, oh, and neither is any in the elders or children, for children spoil their virginity even from their infancy and feed their sin in them from infancy, oh, and I do no longer have children as the clean children, I do no longer have any, and all give themselves to the sleep of carelessness of soul and punishment, and there is no one to teach man what holiness is and what it means in man. For I look at the altar servants and see that they are like the soldier who takes off his soldier’s coat and weapon, dresses in civilian clothes to step on the soldier’s life and dress for a moment, and then he goes outside looking for an opportunity to sin, and after that he equips himself again as a soldier and goes back to his barracks to fulfill his military service, oh, and the same happens with those who are dressed in the robe of a saint, and which he does not keep for himself in any way, oh, and who else is to call out any longer to the Lord for those found in torments, who are waiting for their salvation? (See also „A Divine Revelation of Hell” by Mary Kathryn Baxter, r.n.)
Oh, sons from My spring of word, behold what power the holy life has, always, always, in man, and which took Elijah the prophet into the sky, where I dwell with My saints.
Oh, sons, nothing saves man from his death but only the whole holiness, which is always over his life, and do not forget that the saints are waiting for you, and not only those in torment are waiting for their salvation.
Elijah the prophet is bringing word on earth and he is speaking like that:
⸻ Oh, save Lord, save the people of Your word and bless Your inheritance, as long as You have a blessed inheritance on earth. And forgive those on earth everywhere for their many sins and change their will, feeling and knowledge, so that they may know You fully, for behold, man alone cannot be made holy, and I have mercy from Your mercy in heaven among the saints and I want to work with You for the return of the sons to the fathers, to the saints, and so that men may pray to You for them and for those who have left the earth, and who wait waiting. Oh, and I beseech You with fire, raise the Romanian country to Your will and do this with Your Holy Spirit, make fresh Pentecost days over the Romanian land so that all the people on this hearth may repent at the hearing of Your voice, for the world does not know You, Lord, the world does no longer understand God.
We are in Your coming, Lord, for You come with us, but also let men know Your work for them and Your way of helping them, and bring to us, Your saints, too, the joy of raising from sin of the people on earth, Lord, and then feed them with Your food from above. Amen.
⸻ Oh, amen, amen I say to you, great and holy prophet, I, the Lord, want to work with mercy, but people long after sin, and We expect the holiness from them instead. It is written for Me to pour out of My Spirit on earth, oh, and so I am doing, and so I will do, but somehow the ugly desires of men must be stopped, so that We may make room for Us with the living things from heaven among them, and behold, We have much work to do, and We have to be careful not to crush anything that is pleasing and holy to the Lord.
Oh, sons in the citadel of My word, I have made clear to you and to those on earth, where you share Me. Oh, we have to take care of them, too, but especially we have to take care of you, sons. Therefore, ask, so that we may work, and that our work may be fruitful. Remember those who have departed, oh, and beside them remember those who have done you good in your work with Me, for I take great care of My work with you, and you are so little supported on earth, sons. However, I am with you, and because I am with you, you have everything, but I also want to have you entirely, with the holiness in you, sons, and in this way let us help each other and go working together, and we are walking, for we have to walk and do not have time to rest but only to walk and we need to do the holy walking, oh, sons. Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
You can see more documents containing the Word of God here:
[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni — Romania, translated by I.A., redactor note.
[2] «… and bestowing mercy on those who love Me to thousandth generation of them and on those who keep My commandments». (Exodus: 20/6)
«and doing mercifully to thousandth generation of those who love Me and that keep My commandments». (Deut: 5/10)
«You shall know therefore, that the Lord your God, He is God, a faithful God, Who keeps covenant and mercy for those who love Him and for those who keep His commandments to a thousand generations, …» (Deut: 7/9)
«Who show loving kindness to thousand generations and recompense the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them; the great, the mighty God, Yahweh of armies is His name;» (Jeremiah: 32/18)