2017.06.04 — The Word of God at the Feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit
The Word of God[1] at the Feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit[2]
Oh, I have come with the comfort, I have come with the feast of the Holy Spirit here, at My spring of word, and We are sitting down with it in this bedding, so beautifully prepared for this day.
I have come with the heavenly armies and I am with the hosts of saints, and We are standing within a great beauty in the air. I am the Lord, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, surrounded by those in heaven. We are taking a good look and are We astonished. The bedding here is so beautifully prepared and decorated.
Oh, peace to you, peace to those from here, and peace to those who have travelled and come to the holy feast, peace to you! Let us keep ourselves, sons, within the spirit of the feast of the Holy Spirit, and let us be modest, let us be good in our mind and heart, for the whole air is a miracle here. Oh, be beautiful! I have always taught you this for behold those from above are together with those from below and one is marveling from one side to another, We, those from heaven, are marveling at those that are set before here, and you, are marveling at those that I, the Lord, am saying that you have above in the air, heavenly armies in garments of colors and at gifts of the Holy Spirit and love and comfort, sons.
Oh, what sweet miracles are for Us all those that you have prepared with hard work and you have spoken through them in the sweet language of the Holy Spirit! Oh, how beautiful, how comforting and what greatness you have prepared for Us to welcome Us, those in heaven, and then for those who have travelled with a soul warmed of longing and have come at the feast here! We are listening to your hearts and feelings and We are looking at you incessantly. We are proud that We have such a nice welcome, such warmth for Us from you, and by all things you prove your faith in My today’s coming, sons, and the power of My word upon you.
Oh, peace to you, sons! You have worked hard restlessly for such joy that you have brought before Us. Those in heaven are with you at the table on earth here, and you have welcomed them wonderfully with much comfort. Oh, behold why the wedding shirt of those who come and gather at My spring of word in the feasts has to be well kept, because I have prepared for Me My gardens with you to be able to come at you with My voice, and also to teach preparation for those who have the longing to come at the table with Me and with the saints in the feasts. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.)
Oh, sons from the spring, you have prepared for Us great comfort, for Us, those in heaven. Only symbols, only mysteries, sons. You, you should marvel as well! I have told you that I will be with you all the time of the preparation. Oh, rejoice over Our joy now, and I, the Lord, will speak with the people gathered at the spring, because I miss to give them holy advice and to take care of their lives, and for this I have set feasts and My descending as word at the spring to give Myself to them.
Oh, you have watched My entrance, sons from the gates! (Gates — those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes as word, r.n.) I have found you gentle and very tired, but your duty helps you to be able to work, and your love encourages you. I will look with longing and love at the serene place you have been preparing to offer to the looks of those who have come at the feast. Oh, and what a great army is here and how much comfort on the saints and angels, and again, how much alleviation and joy on those who have come from the place of waiting and remembered here! Oh, behold, why you work hard so much sometimes, and your very much tiredness puts you down, sons! However, I would not speak now like this, but I want to give strength to your tired body, for you have to put Me into the book, and We have to stand before the guests, well sons. Receive power; receive, sons, for I am giving to you! Amen.
I am sharing now teaching over those assembled at the feast, for this is My work. My look is always upon you and upon those who come for the feasts here, oh, and there is so much need of new and powerful advice, lest I may be sorry after that because I did not bow as much as it was required to lift up many, more, more truly, for the life with mistakes can bring about many sorrows, and I, the Lord, have great mercy on those who have faith in the word of My today’s coming, even if they do not want to fulfill that what I bring to instruction and then to fulfillment.
Now we are sitting down. I am taking it in details again and again for those who know from Me and do not want to fulfill My advice full of fatherly care. I have told them that fasting is to be kept in such and such manner, and I am not going to start all over again with the teaching about clothing, about the walking on the way and about the world, and I have told them too that the world is bitter, it is not sweet, that it is ugly and not beautiful. I have exhorted to humility, repentance, patience, cleanness and holiness in everything, to a decent and noble conduct and speaking as well. (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving”, r.n.)
Oh, I have got pains and worries for many of you, and I am speaking to you, sons gathered at the spring. The Holy Spirit is the Teacher for you on this day. Oh, open yourselves and open to Me too, sons! I am speaking to you and asking you. The mystery of the place here, and My whole work in the middle of the citadel of My word, oh, I have got a high mystery here with you; however, the higher this mystery is, to which you have come too, oh, the deeper is the fall of the one who does not want to go on to the end with this mystery and with its teaching, and he is shaking on this top of the mountain on which I am standing, speaking and sharing Myself, and the one who is shaking has to take care not to fall. Oh, that is why My word is watching and wisdom for its fulfillment is required, and this is possible only when the man comprised within this mystery wants to do it.
Oh, there is, sons, with you, there is work done by you, and it draws you too much to it, if you have chosen it for you. I have been looking during the feasts here and I have seen many of you without respect for this bedding, where I, the Lord, am having a stopover with My saints. I would like, oh I would like you to receive Me to tell you what I want to tell you now. I have a reservation to tell you, but at the same time I cannot stand aloof and not to show you the danger, which you have not been thinking about it that it may be.
Oh, behold, sons, I am speaking with you in the today’s language of the world, because I see that all of you, almost all of you have got a dangerous thing for the man’s mind and heart, a toy which all the people keep in their pockets and hand today, (Smart-phone, r.n.), as though they have never lived by this time, and this nuisance has been taken as a pleasure and used day by day even by those that know from Me about this danger, and all, almost all worship this little toy, (Worship as a small icon, which was worn in old Christian times as a personal protection against temptations, r.n.) in which they catch their ears, their eyes, their minds and desire, and it brings them only restlessness, and I have been looking and seen how many come with this little toy in their pockets here for the feasts and take it out on the table and play with it proudly, haughtily, with lack of humility and propriety with respect to this special place chosen for the Lord, and with respect to My mystery set here, and I have to tell you that you have come into the open field with this occupation and you do not have any armor or shield in the battle, sons, and you have not done it on purpose, and the spirit of satan has overcome many of you and it has given you from him to have and to be able to do like him, and after that he is able to pull you out from God, little by little. (See the selection topic: „About the graven image (icon) and the sign of the cross”, r.n.) However, I am telling you that there is no greater tool set up by satan for the souls now than this one, which is called telephone, and this telephone is used fully, and it calls everyone to satan, everyone, and satan draws them to their lack of watch, to the freedom of feeling everything is most dangerous for the man’s soul, which means God in man, and I, the Lord, have seen all satan’s merchandise, everything he has taken out on sale for those who have little experience, and in this way it is not possible for him not to kill many people so that they may belong to him, even those who still read a little prayer to believe that they are with God and God with them, oh, and he allures an deceives even them with this occupation that makes man perish. (Perishing by the evil speaking and slandering on the “socializing networks,” but especially by the attraction to all kinds of the lusts of the body offered on the internet, r.n.). Now, you will tell one another that you have come into the open field to look after My word and towards danger, but here it is what I am telling you: Oh, it is not good to put your hand into the pocket and listen to My word carried in the pocket; (Along with the transcription of the text of “The Word of God”, on the official site, is also posted the audio recording, with the voice of those through whom the Lord speaks, and sometimes saints or angels, r.n.) rather, it is better for someone to stay before My word when this comes to the people in churchly work. Oh, how is My word able to have power in you when everyone says that he has got it into his pocket and do not come together brotherly to hear the Lord? The cattle that escapes into fat grass swallows and gets sick, and the same it happens to you while you are looking at the telephone, at all the satanic schemes, and instead of overcoming satan, behold, the Christian overcomes the Lord inside of him.
Oh, satan has put the key into the man’s hand and man opens alone for himself and comes in the lands of death and learns the dangerous work by which is enchanted, and I, the Lord, said, tens of years ago, that the worst time would come, when not even a body would escape from immorality, and that man would look out of the window and would do that he would see. (The window to the world, r.n.)
I am worried about this like a Father and I want to teach those who believe in My word and I want to tell those that they did not need such deception to get it and which is a trap for the soul, and by which satan and his people seek to know about all everywhere, and I bring this to knowledge again and again so that all those who want to be God’s sons with their lives, to take care, for the life in them is under attack when they do not know to protect themselves from the face of the world, which disfigure their life and brings their guilt before Me, for in order that man may be holy, he needs to want this.
Oh, sons, all the eyes from above look at you from the air, and you all need this exhortation for correction, and some of you need much correction. While I was working by My trumpet, Virginia, (Saint Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet — see selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) I would take her and go with her over the earth so that she might see everything I was suffering from man, and I would take her in the houses of fornication, in the factories of tobacco and alcoholic beverages and would fill her with My sorrow from man so that she might have mercy on Me and on man and to help Me to come on earth as word to call out to man, to guide him on the way with holiness and to tell him how to keep away from sin, or how to get healed from himself, and I was crying My mourning, as I am doing today, asking you to keep not only your faith but also your life cleaned from all the evil things upon people, oh, sons. And I am also asking you sighingly no longer to be enchanted and tell to yourselves that what you use is beneficial to you; it is not only useless but it is also harmful to your soul, to your heart and to your faithful walking. Oh, come to your senses, I am asking you this, and get out of the hand of the evil spirit, of his way. Flee from the dangers which you do not know with their work, and rejoice in the Holy Spirit, for the moment you have found this way with teaching on it, is the moment of your salvation, but appreciate it, sons, and do not want to lose it, for after that you have to give an answer. I am coming into your way with mercy, and I am telling you what is on your way and how to walk so that you may not be harmed.
Oh, sons, who have come together at My voice, a man cannot serve two masters, and you should believe what I am telling you. I am filled with sorrow and mercy for all the creatures, and I am telling you here, that this is seen from heaven, and this is what people work; their own perdition. It is good for man not to choose so. However, he can no longer do otherwise.
I would like you to help Me, and to be My fulfilled longing, to be like little children, to have My kingdom in you, sons, and that it may shine before the people, and let us draw their attention from those that they use on the big market of Sodom done in such a way that no body may escape from sin.
Sons, sons, love to be little children, love to be with those in heaven, with the saints of the heaven! Oh, behold what a miracle is here with you now: I, the Lord, speaking into your midst and seeking with My kingdom in you. May it be for you to burn with longing after such heavenly moments on earth with you so that you may not lose their power and love with which they are given to you from above, and which bring the heaven down on earth to you, to have you as Mine in a world of people who serve sin, nourished in them by satan’s spirit, for he is trying now to swallow those who have chosen the Lord and to break My fruit, for which I have been crying and waited so much.
The Holy Spirit, the Comforter, is teaching you and telling you to remain within My love, the love from above, a rare flower, which does not wither, and it does not wither you, too, those who have got it.
Oh, it is so sweet here now! We, those coming from heaven, are in astonishment moment by moment. Oh, you should be and feel the same. Oh, where would it be to find a stopover more pleasant than this one here with you? I miss the whole Romania and I am staying here with you because of My longing, but I also miss you, and I miss it, too. It is the country of My coming now; it is the house where I am coming and writing down the word of My today’s book. My today’s country is in bad hands, and I am crying together with you with longing for it and for all its Romanian sons, and I have been telling you this for such a long time. Oh, cry out to God for it, for My today’s country and cry out aloud, you, those who love God, and the Lord will hear you.
Oh, I have got a holy citadel here! I am asking you sons, to listen to Me when you come to the spring, and to keep with great love and watch the mystery and the holiness of My citadel. Receive My mourning, bring Me joy, be loving sons, and take much care to be like that, and let the enchantment that comes from outside die out little by little, and let nothing bring into shadow My light from you, because I want you to be light for those on earth, sons.
Oh, if you could look now at those who have come without number, a limitless crowd, arrived on the place of expectation, then you would deeply understand what My work with you is and where it goes, and how much freedom I want to bring with it to those who were, to those who are, and to those who will be as long as man’s time endures, so that the Lord may be after that, and also those which He has redeemed.
Oh, I would always feed you with the spirit from above, in such a way that you may no longer want or do otherwise, so that you may not lose a little bit of time without Me with you and with My protection upon you, sons. On this day I have been like a smart man, as one who has wanted to catch you from the side everywhere and that you may no longer want to get away, and I have told you what I suffer from many of you, sons. Oh, do no longer love, do no longer seek after any benefits or wasted time from the telephone that steals your will to it. You have the Lord, to Whom you shall seek. Whoever is not sent by the Lord and watched from above when he walks in this way, in which I send My word to the world, oh, that one does this by himself and falls in battle; however, I have not said to the Christians of My people to do this, to walk with this world in its way. If I, the Lord have not given you this occupation, behold, you have taken it over by yourselves and you have got too much involved with the ugly world, and I am saying this because I see the Christian how restless he is with this toy into his hands, which takes him out into the way to enchant him, but I cannot but worry, I cannot but suffer when I see how much trouble and damage it brings to the one who is not thick clothed for the evil time of this day.
Sons, sons, as you are here now, oh, this is how I want you to be at your homes, always, always; only love between Me and you. We have received great comfort from one another and we are still receiving on this wonderful day. The beauty from above I have given on this one, and I have come with the whole heaven here, and We are sharing comfort to each other.
The saints are looking at you filled with thrill and they see you weak and without strength, but you are full of holy will for the glory of the Holy Spirit. Oh, only if someone were among you to feel the whole condition of those in heaven, and then satan’s entire convulsions face to face with My joy with you here!
I am going to lead you on the way with angels. I will send you a sweet card for the celebration of this day and for everything that has been worked on this day.
Oh, come into My arms now! The spirit within which I am enveloping and speaking to you is only embracing. I am filling you with the peace from above. Peace to you! I am comforting you with longing. Peace to you! I am giving you to keep in you in My kingdom. Oh, peace to you!
And now, the party of those from heaven with you is remaining during the time of the feast of the Holy Spirit. We are filled with the love for you looking at your dedication. Oh, there will come a day of celebration, sons, and that day will remain forever, and We will be forever with it and with its love.
Peace to you! Receive in you what I am giving you. I am giving you My peace, sons. Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni — Romania, redactor note.
[2] Translated by I.A.