2009.08.28 — The Word of God at the feast of the Assumption

billy dean
29 min readJan 1, 2018


The Word of God[1] at the feast of the Assumption[2]

This word is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and in this name are baptized and then are those to whom the Gospel of the coming of the kingdom of the heavens is preached by those who preach it and its God well among the people on the earth, as for many it is given to know God’s mysteries and then to make them known further to the people on the earth. Amen

Let the gates be strengthened for watch and let them be opened for My word so that I may come in as word into My book of today! I am the Lord and I announce Myself when I come and then I come, and My coming becomes word and I feed the people with it. In all the times under the heaven when I have spoken on the earth I have had a people to speak to, and I have not spoken alone even if those to whom I have spoken have not fulfilled My word.

Peace to you, My people from the spring! Guests have come together to take from My spring and I have people with whom to speak in this day. It is the feast of My mother Virgin, and the spirit of God’s love gathered around My spring of word those who have come on this day in My courtyards, in My gardens with you. Peace to you, son, for you have prepared for Me a place to sit at the table with those who, hearing Me with My speaking, have eaten of it and now they have come to feed their love, faith and love, for in love there is no fear then when it takes to perfection those who love God on the earth.

Oh, people from the spring, the people who wait for My coming, hearing about it from someone who preach boldly that I come in a certain place and at a certain time, they start preparation ahead of time consuming time, money, growing weary and making plans upon plans, and then they wait for the day announced and after that they get disappointed over it, but you, behold how beautiful you wait for Me when I come as word! You sit on little chairs or down on the grass, and that’s it, I am coming and speaking with you, and I have come so many times to you, and behold how beautiful My coming is when no one waits for Me to come, but you wait for Me beautifully when I come, sons, and you know when I come, for the Spirit of My Father lets you know, and the saints tell you when they get ready and come with Me from heaven to you on the way of My word on the days of their feasts on the earth with the faithful ones who know what God with man means on earth and who do not forsake Him for themselves.

Oh, what sufferance inflict on Me those who believe in Me and then forsake Me for themselves. Oh, what sufferance on Me that I cannot rely on man! I want to rely on man but then he gets tired and does no longer stay with Me and he deserts Me and goes away from Me and comes out from My burden giving of holy power in man. Oh, this is how Adam did after I gave him the paradise as his house, and then he pulled himself out of paradise by disobedience and instead of getting upset with himself, he got upset with Me and left Me on the earth, for this is what happens to the man who gets upset with God for His work with mystery upon man, but when the man loves God, his love makes him into a god and the God becomes man, and this is how I am one with the man in the same body, the same love, and we live for one another, but when the love in man does not work like that, it is not love but it is the man with his fallen nature instead, with his insecurity, which is a wind of doubt, a damaging wind to My love in man.

Peace to you, to those who have come to My spring of word, which flows from heaven into its little garden of today to give itself to those who love God! Oh, peace to you, My mother Virgin tells you, the one the Father gave grace for Me and for those who believe in Me, her loved Son, in Whom the Father has been well pleased on the earth! I came on the earth overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin and I became Man and then I gave Myself as sacrifice for the man’s redemption for man lost his life even from Adam’s fall from paradise. On My incarnation, the Father sent the Holy Spirit to My mother Virgin and spoke upon her telling her about My birth and she was My mother, and the Father’s Holy Spirit was My Father and then I was born on the earth to be the Savior from the Father to the faithful ones, whom the faith brings to holiness and the holiness is the love of God in man.

Oh, peace to you, those who love My word, which is born from My mouth in its manger of today for those who believe in My coming of today after man, for My Father has sent Me again after man and those who hear My voice at the spring come to come to life from the death of carelessness and to get up to meet Me and fulfill My word in them, for My love in man makes him into a god, and it makes God a man in those who is faithful to Him. Oh, I am meeting you with My mother Virgin, the one full of exhortation of life for those who seek after life, for the life has to be lived according to the law of eternity, and there is no one to teach the man from heaven his eternity from Me given to him if he lives it on the earth.

Come, My mother, come to give them teaching of eternal life from the spirit of eternity, mother; I am in you and you are in Me when we teach those who love us believing and coming. Come, give them food, mother! Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, Son, oh my dear Son, those who love Us also love those like Us, for We are the aggrieved ones, dear Son. We suffer from the man’s weakness to love Us. Oh, the man cannot love Us, dear Son! His self-love cuts the man’s power to love Us, for without his love of God in him, the man is not eternal, always eternal on the earth. I am sitting down with the spirit of eternity before those who have come near to Your spring of word in my day of feast when I came in with You among those in heaven, who, on earth, loved eternity as their life. I am sitting down to teach those who have come to drink from You and I want to teach them the spirit of eternity. It helps the man not to perish, for the one who trusts in his judgment in everything he does, good or evil, that one cannot walk on the way of eternity, cannot listen, just as Adam could not do it as well. The shrewd devil is drawn by man by disobedience, by his insubordination and by man’s grumbling against the one who leads him in the spirit of eternity, in the spirit of obedience, lest his disobedience may give birth to the devil for he himself, who becomes the spirit of inquisitiveness in man’s mind and then it becomes grumbling in man, Son, teacher of eternal life in man. I exhort those who come and drink with faith and love from Your spring and I tell them that disobedience exhorts the man to trust in himself and this is how it is born in man and then it man’s deed, good or bad. He who wants to have eternal life in him up to his end on the earth, he is the one who does not puts his trust in himself and in the judgment of his mind, but he stays in the hand of the one who listens for his salvation and by which the Lord is with him, and man cannot be otherwise with man. Oh, what shall we do to make the man believe what I said about those who are God’s? How shall we do it, my dear Son?

Oh, I have stayed in great, great submission, I am telling you, those who have come to the spring. I teach you the grace of obedience, sons. He who does no longer listen judges the one who listens and he gives in him a beginning for the devil and its freedom in him, and this is how man draws the devil’s cunning upon himself. Oh, seek to listen, sons, for the love of heaven adorns the man with obedience and then with the holy propriety for everything that he works face to face with God. I exhort you, sons and daughters, not to love God in the eyes of the world or in the eyes of the Lord. Oh, do not be with the Lord before the world and like the world, do not be with you before the world and like it if you belong to the Lord, for this is deception! Oh, do not be ashamed of the spirit of God’s love before the unfaithful world, but rather be ashamed of yourself before the Lord to take after the world before the world! Therefore, clothe yourselves properly before the Lord and do likewise before the world, oh, sons and daughters! The Lord has put an eternal law upon man when he started the law of unquenched love in man for God. Oh, do not let yourselves be deceived, sons and daughters! The Lord is the One Who sees the man more than man sees another man, and man needs unquenched love so that it may be love for God. Oh, be steadfast in the spirit of godliness before the Lord and before the people either! Oh, do not walk with your head uncovered, do not wear indecent clothes, for the angels and the saints always want you to be theirs, and always and always theirs, sons and daughters! When man loves God, he can no longer love his way but only those that are pleased with God with eternal life in man. Oh, come to the spring, but also receive teaching to fulfill in you if you come to hear from His table. There is a saying for those who do both evil and bad things and for which the news spreads among many, and that word goes like this: “The news has spread like the priest with a haircut!” I tell you this saying from the folk to understand that when man trespasses the law of holiness the news about his trespass spreads quickly far and wide, like the news spread in old time about the priest who was bold enough to carve his own image and head, the image of the holy man who cannot have a haircut and still be a holy man after that. The same is with the steadfastness of the Lord’s fulfillment in you, always fulfilling and without being ashamed of men, for God in man and with man always is man’s glory; it is not a shame to have God’s image in man, on his face and on man’s image. I have always, always worn God’s image in my being, in my walking, in my step on the earth and all over my image, and for a long time I was the help of those who learned from God for their life and then they also became teachers with their life upon others’ life and this is how the Lord grew in the life of many, life from one to another, and each other gave themselves to the Lord, and this is how those who wanted the Lord as their life gave themselves to the Lord.

Oh, if you love the Lord, love Him with fulfillment and love Him always, sons and daughters! Oh, it is not possible to love Him only with your heart or mouth, but everything is required with fulfillment for the glory of the Lord on the earth, for the Lord’s glory has to be great and much thorough those who love Him before people, who learn this way the love of God, seen in man on the earth, seen both from heaven and from the earth in man. Oh, if you love the Lord, take the teaching of the eternal life in detail from His word, which has life in man and in this way to be and to stand before the Lord and before men, and you will be the heralds of the spring, the messengers of the kingdom of the heavens, which comes always, always on the earth with its news and with its holy face in man. The kingdom of the heavens is inside of man; this is how my Son Jesus Christ has told you. This is how you should also learn its dwelling place on the earth, and in this way you are to be the sons of the kingdom before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and this is how you will be baptized in this name: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the God of those who are faithful. Amen. Oh, only in this way can man be God’s son. My son was the love of the Father for man and he told us that He called us His sons, because He gave us power to become His sons. Oh, become God’s sons for He has taught you to have this power to be called His sons then. Open the book and take from it everything a child of Jesus Christ needs to have in his nature. I will stay again within you in the word towards the end of the feast and then again I will give you power of eternal life in you. Amen.

And now, I am staying with you, I am spending with you, I love with you, I feel with you and I want to put upon you the grace of the holiness of the spirit, but open up, sons! Be wise from heaven and learn to open to the Lord and stay open for His coming with many mysteries for you! Behold how much He has given over to you! Give yourselves to Him either! Amen.

Oh, dear Son, I have given them my love, teaching them to be holy and eternal, and we will also give them and we will send Our love them through Our messengers to the people. I, dear Son, rejoice You both in Your pains and in My pains, for the entire holy heaven is like You. Peace to You with Your people at the table of word on a day of my feast among saints! Peace to You for You are aggrieved Son, Lord! I confess You, as painful as You are from those who do not love obedience to You, and the entire heaven of saints is like You, aggrieved Son! Amen, amen, amen.

Aggrieved mother but full of word for sons so that they may be able to go on with My pain. The word is a great comfort for Us either, not only for those on the earth who are comforted with Us and from Us, mother. The word is the medicine for all the pains, and I always come on the earth as the healer of the man full of his pains, mother! Oh, if only the man would want to take My yoke and no longer carry his, mother!

Oh, My people, I thank you that you have set the table at the spring to welcome the guests, son. I teach you to keep away, oh, to keep away from the unknown man, to take care how you learn this, for My Spirit into your midst will reveal it to you. Amen.

And now, I give My peace to those who have stayed and taken of My spring.

Oh, may the gentle spirit of My mother Virgin be great grace for you, sons and daughters who have come to the spring! Oh, learn what the comfort is and seek to be worthy of it. It is given freely; it is the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. The faith and the holiness bring to you the Holy Spirit to comfort you. Come to the spring so that I may comfort you! Come and learn more and more to deserve this comfort, for God wants you to have wisdom from above by which the Lord may be able to grow in man. Amen.

I am bowing now and comfort those who have come for the first time at the spring. I am giving them with gentleness a word of comfort and I am telling them: be faithful, for the cunning devil cannot work upon those who know to believe with steadfastness. Be the vessels bearing of holy faith and I will pour out in you to have and to get comforted by the graces of the faith. Learn more and more holy how to walk in My word, how to fulfill it and how to keep away from the Pharisees, for they are weak and fearful and they are afraid of the faithful ones because the faithful ones are great before Me and they are great on earth. Be full of the spirit of obedience and let no enemy separate you from My love. Amen.

Peace to you, those who have come to the spring, and again I will give you My word and I will come with it after you to grow through it and to be pleased to Me. Amen.

Oh, peace to you, people from the spring, for you are My tool and My way to those who are and to those who come, and you are My comfort and My remedy in pain, for I am very much aggrieved, son! Oh, remain in My love, remain My comfort in pains! Oh, remain in My pain, My people, and be like Me in sufferance, and we will work out a way for patience and for the joy that comes after it, My people. Amen, amen, amen.


Oh, My word is sweet upon man and is full of love, and love comes from patience when I speak sweetly with the man, waiting for him to be able to do it, to want and to be able to have faithfulness for Me, Who am so sweet after man and after his redemption from his enemy, because satan, who changed from an angel into a devil because of the man’s fall by way of haughtiness, has become the man’s enemy for seven thousand years, and I, the Lord, speak sweetly with man and I invite him to walk with longing and wakefulness for his coming back to the good that I gave him after I had built him in My image and after My likeness, giving him then a living soul to rejoice completely over him, to be satisfied with his love then, because that is why God built man.

I speak My word sweetly so that it may give forth fruit in man’s life and the man to understand that he needs God on the earth, and then in heaven. This is how I would like to make the man, as sweet as I am, but the sin in him fills Me with tears and My patience grows from man, and the same is with My waiting, and I would like the man to be right with Me, and I would also like to make him wise so that he may know what God with him means and what he with God means.

Oh, precious man, you cannot live anyhow and then to be with God either, precious because I paid you highly to turn you back within Me. Therefore bow, bow to understand and to see how God is and do not require less from you for Him, for He built you in His image and after His likeness and He wanted you to be obedient in order to be able to be His son, and He to be for you.

Oh, it is not possible for man to be greater than God is and to have the Lord on his side after that. I made the heaven and the earth, the visible and invisible things, but those that are not seen are for man as well if the man learns his coming back to God. Oh, man, for seven thousand years you have been born on earth from sin and from man prone to sin, but I was born from the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin dedicated to God with her spirit, with her body and with her soul, all clean and full of God, full of heaven and full of longing after the heaven on earth. You are smaller than I am, man, and I tell you this to get you used to letting Me be your Master, to be greater than you and to help you come back on to the day of your birth from God, and that I may be able to give you a day of creation and then to rejoice over your beauty, after you will have come to be in My image and after My likeness by My love with which I want to build you by your full love for your Creator, as I can make you in My image and after My likeness if you let yourself into My creating hand, in My word full of the spirit of man’s creation, full of the birth from above of the man born of man.

The man has to be rebuilt for he is not well built from man. The man has to be built by God and not by Man. That is why I have come as word on the earth now and I have come with all the tools of creation and I am ready to give the man birth from above to be from above then, for man is made only of sin and he draws only to sin, but I have to speak with him first that he may believe Me what I tell him and not to do like Adam in paradise when I told him how to listen in the garden that I made for him. However, he was inclined to fall from obedience and then he got sweetened with disobedience and fell thorough it from paradise, for the man’s seven thousand years sin has been nothing else but disobedience, which then has become haughtiness in man and then sin.

Two thousand years ago I came into the womb of Virgin with the power of the Holy Spirit Who became word and angel before My mother Virgin, making her obedient to the heavenly voice upon her, and behold obedience from man before God! God wanted to repair then everything man spoiled in the beginning in paradise by his disobedience, by the spirit of his haughtiness face to face with his Creator. His stubbornness of that time has become then sin from descendant to descendant and up to this day and the man alone cannot repair his mistake by which he always, always falls from God, and God from him. I have been waiting with the Father for the fullness of the time written in the Scriptures and then Father has sent Me again on to the earth. I am staying clothed in the word before man and I am speaking to him as I spoke to Adam in paradise. Oh, do not do, dear man, do no longer do as Adam did in paradise! He did not see Me, because I had mercy on him and he was very dear to Me and I did not want to frighten him or make him feel small and shy before Me, because I loved him, but he did not see Me; however My voice accompanied him and I spoke to him as I am speaking with you today, My people on the earth, My faithful people. When I appear before man, I appear because of his unbelief for his disobedience or to strengthen his faith and obedience, but to those who are faithful, who have Me as their Master, I give them My work with obedience, for obedience is for the faithful together with the spirit of prophecy, as the sight of My mysterious things is for those who are unfaithful and doubtful, who have to be judged then for their unbelief, and this is how I speak with man, as he stays before Me, before the One Who sees the man from near and from far away. Oh, I do not want to frighten man with the sight of the glory of My being, but I want him to have fear of God, for woe to the one who is not afraid of God, at least to have fear as much as His angels, who in awe are attentive to all His works with them!

I am staying within a spirit of feast for My mother Virgin in My gardens with you, My people from the spring. Those who have come together at the spring have stayed in holy awe. The Holy Spirit has caught power by their faith and touched many deep down in their being, and you are My little flock but with which I stand before those who come after Me, as I stayed with My little bunch two thousand years ago before those who came after Me when I went from place to place to leave My traces upon the hearts of many and to prove Myself before them as true God from true God, coming from the Father to man, as it was written in the prophets to fulfill. Oh, it is a great comfort for Me when I can speak with man on the earth, when he hears Me speaking to him. Oh, happy and again happy are those who, not seeing Me when I speak to them, believe in My voice and in this word for they will see God because of their clean heart with faith in it, clean with the longing for God by the Lord and man’s difficult walking on the earth!

Oh, My mother, your feast has given birth to love before Me on this day of coming to the spring in the hearts of those who have come with longing. Those who have got used to waiting for the celebrations of the heavens in the gardens of My mound of today, here, near the manger of My word, they come with longing and awe, and others are coming and are added to them and some other keep coming, oh, and how much I wanted My fire to be kindled in them, in many, mother, and they to give it further on the earth from place to place as I have poured it out here to share Myself with it so that it may go off in the longing of the hearts of those who come to the spring to take of it, mother. My longing is to make man like Me, and both My patience and My waiting grow after man, mother. Moreover, My pain grows and it grows more and more for the one whom I showed patience and I waited for and he is slow in walking and in fulfilling My kingdom in him, mother. However, I have hope, and I left word of Holy Spirit on earth so that the hope may remain over the faithful ones; in order to remain upon them: faith, hope and love, for if hope remains, it brings forth faith and both of them are made and each other build love in man, mother, only that they may be a way of the man to heaven, not an occasion to thank in order to hold the man in place but to be very much working and to be the climax of the man’s salvation by his labor for his salvation, mother. Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, Lord Son, Your love for man is only wound, dear Son! Oh, Oh, if only those to whom You speak would understand; those to whom You speak for their searching for Your word of today, if only they would understand the pain of this wound of Your love so that they may sit near it and become like You, Lord and my Son!

I am coming down in your little hearts and I am speaking to you, those who have stayed with longing and humility before the Lord’s glory on my day of feast when I ascended from earth to heaven on the arms of my Son, Jesus Christ. Oh, open up your little hearts! My spirit of mother wants to give joy to my Son, suffering from the man’s departure from Him. I am speaking with you with humility and I exhort you to learn from me what God in man means, God with man on the earth. Oh, He cannot be delighted with His will and with His work in the one who is not fulfilled in love and sacrifice. The man’s body has to be God’s temple, a holy church and adorned both on the inside and outside by the Lord’s will and hand, as the heaven is adorned with the saints and angels and with all the heavenly adornments. I come after you within the chariot of the Lord’s glory, with His word carried by the angels on the way between heaven and earth and up to the man’s heart, for you have been at the spring and taken from it and I am still giving to you. The ear is the way which brings to your heart the word spoken from above and then the body becomes a servant of God’s dwelling in him, and thus you become a church for my Son and for His Spirit, you, sons and daughters that have drunk of His water, of His spring! Take it within you with His entire work from the Father given for the man’s resurrection during these days of His coming again from the Father to man! His book of today is open by His own hand and He always puts in it by His word warm bread, (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb — The Book of Life”, r.n.) and by it He guides you to His entire will, with which the man always has to stay before Him. You, those who join one by one with the faith in the today’s coming of my Son, Jesus Christ, open up your hearts so that He may have His will come down, His will and His walking! Clothe yourselves within the spirit of obedience and do everything my Son is telling you so that He may make of you a new creature into the midst of the dead on the earth, dead to the Lord! Oh, bring yourself to Him as a sacrifice of obedience, because man cannot be pleased with the Lord without obedience to His entire word full of longing after man! I exhort you with a spirit of mother, sanctify yourselves! And in order to sanctify yourselves, keep away from the too much hand of the worldly man. Get for yourselves, as much as you can, clean food and use your little hands for those you prepare to eat. Eat from your mother, which God has given to man as food when He set him in Eden. The earth is the bosom from which you have to eat. Oh, do no longer eat meat; do no longer eat from animal or from fowl! Eat from God, eat as He told the man to eat when He put him in paradise[3], for it is the time for the Lord to come in all His glory and man is not prepared, and the sins from him are not washed away, for the feast and the prayer stay far from man’s love. (See the selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him? ”, r.n.) Oh, make your bread with your little hands, for bread is Christ’s face and do not take it if it is made by the hands that are not cleaned from sin, from unfaith and from ignorance of God in man! Take the way of holiness and then take care of it then, and the take care among you for you, those who are faithful to my Son, and do not let the world serve you. Oh, seek after the faithfulness for my Son and sanctify yourselves for Him, for the people without God touch the fruit of their sin in everything you buy from their shops to eat. Oh, when you eat, remember that it is not well on the earth and that it is only sin on earth and the sin is a thick bark. If you want to listen to me you will listen and will bring your life to holiness, and your body likewise, and then the understanding of the things from above will come upon you and will teach you the humility of the Lord, for man does not have any humility because of his nature of man. Oh, take on your body holy adornments, with a garment pleasant to the Lord and to His angels and saints! Do not wear, do no longer wear tight and short little clothes and in so many colors, for indecency concerning clothing makes the man sick and man draws man to sin because of the sin of indecency, and woe to those through whom the stumbling block comes, this is what my Son, Jesus Christ said! It is written in the Scriptures and in the prophets about those who are against the Lord, despising the sight of His glory, and whose appearance testifies against them. The man’s haughtiness is great, but it will be made low and the haughtiness of the proud will be crushed in the day when the Lord will be exalted and when people will come into the crevices of the earth because of the fear at the brightness of His glory. The day is coming when only the Lord will shine, and all the brightness of the men’s adornments will fade and they will be humbled under the Lord’s beating. Oh, the woman on the earth is very proud and her looks do no longer have propriety on the earth before anyone, but it is written into the Scriptures that the Lord will make the scalp bald of those who walk with outstretched necks and will uncover their shame, and on that day the Lord will take away all their ornaments: the signet-rings, the earrings, the bracelets, the fine linen garments, the wait belts and tablets, the ankle chains and crowns, the amulets and fine robes, the cloaks and shawls, the hand-mirrors and fine linen, and instead of sweet-spices will be rottenness, instead of a belt, a rope; instead of well set hair, baldness; instead of a robe, a girding of sackcloth; and finally, branding instead of beauty, that who was adorned by that time will be desolate on the ground. (See Is. 3:17–26) I teach you like a mother, as the Scriptures teach you; open to them and learn from them, for the Spirit of the Lord has spoken by the prophets and made a great revival over the man’s haughtiness, only for the man to take a look into the word of the Lord teaching over people, for the man to take from it the life against death. Oh, fight, fight with much love against any kind of image which will be punished and learn those that are for the saints before the One Who teaches you holiness, for He said that without holiness no one will see Him. The woe is coming on the earth; the sufferance as the reward of the sins is coming and there will be pains without remedy for each sin. Throw yourselves into the Lord’s arm! Take powers from Him to love Him following His exhortation for the saints! Oh, sons and daughters leave off the pleasures and come to like holiness for it will save you! Amen.

I catch you under my clock as well, faithful daughters who have come for the first time to the spring of my Son. You have come with longing from the city of Cluj to drink of the river of life, from the word of my Son, (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) and to make steps on the blessed land, which the Lord has ordained for Him and for the servants of His word of today into the midst of the Romanian people. I have stayed with protection over the little boat in which you have floated to the spring. Oh, I have in the city of Cluj the anointed one of my Son, the one in chains now among those who feel as the rulers over the peoples who wander away without a shepherd, for this is how the flock of today appears. Oh, they keep him in the chains of their unbelief, of ignorance of God and of people; this is how they keep the one who my Son has been pleased with and whom He has chosen as the witness for the renewal of His church, for their church does not follow the steps of my Son. Oh, put fire to the torch of your hearts and put in them the fire of the love of God and make yourselves vessels bearing of love for Him, but also come under the spirit of the holy teaching to take on holiness and then to cry out clearly to God for the release of the one bound by those who are unfaithful, for the evil spirit of envy and of empty glory does even worse than what the one two thousand years ago did, when the chiefs and the Pharisees wanted to put under a bushel the light which came down from heaven, my Son and His teaching of Holy Spirit over the nations without a shepherd. Oh become female disciples in your life, in your mind and in your conduct and renounce the world within your life sanctifying it in your own body, but without the wisdom from above you will not be able to do this. You have come to the spring as a flock of little hearts. Oh, grow and multiply, and pray to my Son to take from the earth the spirit of man’s haughtiness and to throw it away from man, for man is haughty. Here it is what to do for the man who wants to get away from the sin of haughtiness: he has to believe completely and in all things that others do not need him, and that he needs everyone around him to support him, as on the way with my Son on it this holy mystery is even more powerful for man, the man’s mystery of self denial and by which man can follow the marks of my Son’s steps, Jesus Christ. Amen. Oh, peace to you, to those who have come now from the city of Cluj for the first time at the spring of word of my Son! Seek with longing to put out the old man and to put on you the new creature by grace. Put to death in you and from your way the satan’s work and trap. Search out your dough and seek with holiness through the teaching of my Son. The one, who cannot do this, let him be helped to be clean then in work, in faith and in love. Ask for faith, ask for the gift of faith from the One Who can give you birth from above, from His word, and ask for holy zeal, and you will receive everything from Him if you love holiness and humility of spirit, heavenly adornments for those who are spiritual on the earth. May the zeal of your hearts for the heavenly things in you be blessed! Oh, give your hearts to be a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit and for His graces, for man has to be built by God, as He works for the man’s birth from above. This work of word is the river on which will float over the wrath of the Lord’s Day all those who will stand before Him with humility and obedience for His victory, which is coming with Him. Peace to you and you should take much resurrection from Him and only from Him! You need much, much resurrection! Take it from His word. As many times as you want, ask for His help and come to the spring to learn about His coming and resurrection from Him, for the Lord has ordained sons to holy work for the resurrection of many, as it is written into the Scriptures about those who will have searched for the Lord, and wisdom will grow in them and they will be cleansed and will become white and will enter with the Lord, and then they will share to many the Lord’s way, the way on which the man comes back home, he comes back to the Lord. Amen.

Oh, Lord Son, I have become great now in the word. I have wanted to wake up from unfulfillment those who do not know what the sin of man’s haughtiness is, as Your flock is wandering, wandering away, dear Son, and there is no one to guide it to the grassland and to show its Shepherd. I ask you on my day of celebration: please give grace, faith and humility for obedience to those who have come to the teaching on this day, and give more to those who have come for the first time to the spring! Without You, without Your support no one can take and carry anything from You, for man is weak and far away from you with his wisdom, but You are the voice of the Father and You want to draw all to the Father to comfort Him from His wound from man’s fall, and in Your wound as well, which is like Our Father’s, oh, dear Son. My wound is like Your wound. Oh, peace to You into the midst of those who understand You and know Your coming and Your work of today with them for the resurrection of many! My mercy for You becomes mercy over those who seek after You to find You, and I have given today teaching of resurrection, on which You are to put grace to those who have listened to Our word of today, and let the grace give forth fruit in those who have come to become sons and daughters of the resurrection, of Your coming, Lord, Son Who come. Amen, amen, amen.

– Oh, sons and daughters, who have remained in a spirit of feast for My mother virgin here, at My spring of word, open up for the wisdom from above of the heavenly mysteries on the earth! Be the Lord’s feast among people so that the heaven may celebrate you on the earth as sons of God among sons of men, who seek after the Lord through the darkness and do not find Him, for His way is light, and He is the way. Amen.

Oh, My people from the spring, come more and more to the vast sea of God’s wisdom upon you during these days, for the sea will overflow abundantly, more and more over its shores, and soon, soon and always, and the haughty head of the men’s sons will become bald, for they will see My glory and My greatness in those who are faithful to My coming of today, which was preached by the prophets to be in these days, and I am holding you in My hand as witnesses, for your life and obedience near Me serve and will serve Me to come, and little by little I will overcome with My entire work, with which I have come from the Father in order to fulfill it on the earth with the faithful ones, with those who are small, not with those who are haughty and proud, but with those who are small and faithful and in whom I dwell with My kingdom, oh, My people. Amen, amen, amen.


Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni — Romania, redactor note.

[2] Translated by I.A.

[3] «And God said: Behold, I have given to you every seed-bearing herb sowing seed which is upon all the earth and every tree which has in itself the fruit of seed that is sown, to you it shall be for food.» (Gen: 1/29)



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